Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NO AUDIO OR STATIC IN DRLC CIRCUIT/SURROUND CIRCUIT The past week I have seen a few units with the same problem.Unit may be intermittent. Rear channels - static in rear or unit is inprotection. These problems are caused by open solder connection on therear output ICs - May have caused the IC to short.
INTERMITENT CONTROL FUNCTIONS, REPLACE LEAKY C PACK, CP-104 Intermittent Picture, Volume, and Channel Up/Down.
Q-007 AND Q-008 SHOULD NOT BE IN PARTS LIST Q-007, Q-008 are listed in the parts list but not found in theschematic. -HQ COMMENTS: These two transistors were listed by mistake. Pleaseremove them from your service manual.
Q-007 AND Q-OO8 SHOULD NOT BE IN PARTS LIST Transistors Q-007, Q-008 are listed in the parts list but notin the schematic. These two transistors are listed in the parts list bymistake. -HQ COMMENTS: Please remove these two transistors from your servicemanual.
PLAYS OGM THEN IMMEDIATELY PLAYS IT AGAIN Plays OGM then immediately plays it again.
CD WILL NOT RETURN TO MAGAZINE Frequently, but intermittently, the discs will try to returneither above or below the correct slot, jamming the magazine. Noadjustments on this model. This is the 5th or 6th unit this ASD hasreceived.
WON'T PLAY DISC When putting in a disc, the laser wouldn't come up to read thedisc.
CONTINUATION OF FPR NO. M0041, TOO MUCH FLUX AROUND IC-1103 Removed IC-1103, cleaned area, and re-installed IC-1103 torestore normal operation. NOTE: Both clocks run at 14.3 MHZ (4 fsc)whether PIP is ON or OFF. With no clock input at IC-1101/53, YS went highmuting parent video back at IC-301. Missing clock als
DARK PICTURE The camera E-E picture is dark. The camera RECORD andPLAYBACK picture is dark.
NO VIDEO OR BLUE SCREEN E-E OR PLAYBACK No video or blue screen in E-E or Playback. Found Q-1022 onCP-1 video block to have broken solder connection due to front loadingmotor pressing on Q-1022 under the PCB. Q-1022 supplies 5V to IC-101.
DISTORTION AFTER WARMUP/INCORRECT BOARD MARKINGS Unit distorts after 20 - 30 minutes. Freezing IC-211 solvesproblem. Also, board has two ICs marked IC-202 - remote receiver IC andCXD-2500Q. Remote receiver is correctly marked, but CXD-2500Q should bemarked IC-211.
SHUTDOWN ON NO-SIGNAL STATIONS, READJUST THE HOR. FREQ. If unit was switched from active station to active station,everything was ok. If you used CHANNEL UP or DOWN and went to a no-signalstation, unit would shutdown.
SHUTDOWN AND BLANKING TROUBLESHOOTING TIP When unit is going into shutdown, it is hard to troubleshoot.If you run a 1k resistor from pin 18 to ground and remove D-506, theunit will operate normally while you check voltages on PM-501 and IC-301. -HQ COMMENTS: Great suggestion! You are absolutel
CAPSTAN WASHER FPR L1559 suggests using part number 7-623-921-01. This willnot work. -HQ COMMENTS: If this does not work, use original washer. There haveonly been two reports of this symptom.
UNIT WOULD NOT POWER UP Unit would not power up. Found C-916 floating around looseinside of unit. Capacitor looked to be cut away from the Main board.Put a new capacitor in unit and the unit came up and ran. This is thesecond unit I have seen with this problem. -HQ COMMENTS: C

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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