Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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POWER CABLE PART NUMBER What is the part number for the cable used to power this unit? -HQ COMMENTS: The part number can be found in the MHC-5500 ServiceManual. It is listed under connecting cord and the part number is1-575-667-11.
RF PLL ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE STEPS 1 AND 2 ARE INCORRECT RF PLL adjustment procedure steps 1 and 2 are incorrectlystated.
HAS NO MEMORY AFTER REMOVED FROM POWER SOURCE When unit is removed from power source and then reinstalled,it had no memory. Found an open Q-311 was causing problem.
RF PLL ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE STEPS 1 AND 2 ARE INCORRECT RF PLL adjustment procedure steps 1 and 2 are incorrectlystated.
RF PLL ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE STEPS 1 AND 2 ARE INCORRECT RF PLL adjustment procedure steps 1 and 2 are incorrectlystated.
BROKEN POWER SUPPLY BOARD - DEAD UNIT This is the third unit I have seen with damage to the powersupply board. All three were dead out of the box. The cracks are locatednear transformer T-901. It appears that T-901 is just heavy enough tooverstress the board should the unit be dropped in
IRREGULAR MECHANICAL MOTION Unit will go to Fast Forward or between FF and Stop when Playis pressed. Cam gear (162 pg. 18) will rotate and solenoid will operate,but unit will not lock into Play even though Play is indicated by functionlights. Have seen this problem on three units
BUZZING SOUND, REMOVED SHIELD ON T-602 Buzzing noise coming from the set. Replaced T-602 stillbuzzes. Used RTV on the metal shield of T-602 - still buzzes. Removedmetal shield and customer is satisfied. -HQ COMMENTS: We will send your report to Tokyo. Please continue toreport to us infor
NO VERTICAL SWEEP MICRO LOCKED UP, P-14/PIN 1&2 SOLDER SHORT No vertical sweep or any control over functions. There was novertical drive, pin 31, IC-301. The DC voltages on data and clock lines,pins 47 and 48, IC-301, were present. Date and clock pulses were alsopresent. A resistance check between pins 47 and
NO PICTURE; H FREQUENCY TOO HIGH, RESOLDERED C508 No picture - low horizontal output signal pp value.Horizontal frequency has increased in this case to about 68kHz. Frequencyis still adjustable by RV-501. All DC voltages on IC-201 are ok. After ashort period of time, the horizontal output becomes ext
MECHANISM IS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT IS SHOWN IN MANUAL There are some differences in the mechanism when compared tothe exploded views in the S/M. A pinch roller was ordered and it did notfit. -HQ COMMENTS: There are 2 different mechanisms used in the TC-FX110.The early units have mecha type TCM-YM47CW-62,
DIRTY FOP LENS CAUSING SKIPPING In this particular unit the complaint was continuousshuffling. Unit could not lock on to discs in the shuffle mode. Theoptics were completely hazed over (not cloudy as in the new 150s). I haveseen this in other CDP-C900s and CDP-C15ESDs. It has also
LAMPS BLINKING WHEN ACC TURNED OFF THEN ON Lamps blinking and no functions. If connect power to ACC wireand memory wire at the same time no problem. If switch 501 (accessorychange) was off it would only blink once then ok).
HISSING NOISE IN ONE CHANNEL Hissing noise in one channel.
CASSETTE DOOR(S) WON'T OPEN AND/OR NEITHER DECK WORKS Cassette door on one side (Deck B) would not open because headassembly was not disengaging from Play position. Then found that theother Deck (A) would not go into any function (although the door wouldopen). Front panel did light up normally and capstan

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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