Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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MECHANICAL GRINDING NOISE - DECK DOESN'T OPERATE Received a couple of units with gear grinding noise.Disassembled deck could not find anything wrong. Reassembled and problemstill exists. Found piece of rubber bottom of unit and investigated whereit went.
SM STATES UNITS HAS PIP, THIS IS INACURATE INFORMATION, Service manual of this model, pages 9, 10, 11 containsinstructions on PIP feature whereas this model does not have it. Pleaseexplain. -HQ COMMENTS: You are right, this is a mistake in the manual.
UNIT SKIPPING Unit is skipping.
DISC WOULD NOT SPIN - SPINDLE MOTOR JAMMED On this unit spindle motor jammed down too low and will notspin. On two other units, spindle motor makes a slight clicking noise andtracking error waveform does not look too good.
CLOUDY LENS IN NEW KSS-150A Pulled a new optical block out of stock and noticed it had acloudy lens. I did not use it.
DOOR OPENS BY ITSELF After the first repair in which the belt was replaced, thecustomer complained of the same problem. 1. After opening the tray totake out a disc, the tray will close by itself before another disc can beput into the tray. 2. Tray opens by itself.
CAN PLAY PRE-RECORDED TAPES BUT NOT TAPES RECORDED ON ITSELF Unit would play pre-recorded tapes but not tapes recorded onitself.
INTERFERENCE PATTERN ACROSS SCREEN, REPLACED COMB FILTER Interference pattern across the screen which looked likesignal overload. Scope shot looked ok at input, pin 2 CM-1301, but noisepresent at output pin number 6, Y out. Suspected this part was bad.
NO CLV LOCK ON CD - NO PLAY - LD OK Unit plays LD but not CD. Looked like CLV servo problem.
RUNS IN TEST MODE, SHUTS DOWN IN NORMAL OPERATION Unit would achieve focus, sled would move toward center ofdisk and continue reading T.O.C. data then shutdown. Looking at RF testpoint, showed signal typical of T.O.C. area: FOK, Sense, H. in signalsappeared normal.
WON'T THREAD A TAPE Intermittently, drum won't start.
NO CAMERA OR PLAYBACK VIDEO OUT Unit had no camera, playback or EE video. Signal was goodgoing into input select IC-362 pin 28 (VA-Board). Video looked clipped atpin 11 and no signal was present at pin 4. Changing IC-362 had no effect.Found no serial data I/O at pins 20-23. Traced
NO CAMERA OR PLAYBACK VIDEO OUT Unit had no camera, playback or EE video. Signal was goodgoing into input select IC-362 pin 28. (VA-40 Board) Video looked clippedat pin 11, and no signal was present at pin 4. Changing IC-362 had noeffect. Found no serial data I/O at pins 20-23. Tr
NEED PINOUT FOR IC-401 Can you supply us with a description of the pins on this IC?Which are inputs, which are outputs, etc? -HQ COMMENTS: Cannot locate pin out of this IC in any similar models.Will fax Tokyo for information. TO TOKYO: Could you please send block diagram and
MISSING INFORMATION FROM SERVICE MANUAL Vertical bias adjustment procedure: On service manual pageM-49: step 3 does not inform where the 16.5 +/- 0.1V test point is. -HQ COMMENTS: Please add the following information to your servicemanual: Step 3. Connect digital multimeter across DY connecto

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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