Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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DISTORTED AUDIO IN SRS MODE, REPLACED SRS MODULE, SB 45R1 Audio was distorted in one channel when in the SRS Mode.
RIPPLE IN PICTURE, REPLACED IC-5007 The ASC reports that this set experienced the normal failureof the coil and diode on the E Board and after they were replaced thepicture had a ripple going down the side. The trouble was IC5007on the E Board - Replaced it and Pix was ok. We have not be
WOO-WOO SOUND, REPLACED SRS MODULE, S/B 045R1 Verified problem in customers home. Hum comes and goes,especially with male voice, on real stereo broadcasts with SRS turned on.
WOO-WOO SOUND SRS MODE, REPLACED SRS MODULE SEE TVP SB #45R1 Hum comes and goes especially with male voice on real stereobroadcasts with SRS turned on.
D.O.A. - WILL NOT SPIN DISC FOK, SENS, MON, MDS, MDP are all normal. No action at IC-3/pin 45 SPDLO. Pull up IC-5/ pin 2 to 5V through 1K resistor causesspindle motor to turn.
HORIZONTAL JITTER Most of those units exhibit a subtle, but objectionablehorizontal jitter on playback. Any fix? -HQ COMMENTS: No there is no fix for this jitter. This is normalbecause of the smaller drum of the FL mechanism. However, if the problemis excessive then
INT. MUTING OF AUDIO WHILE LISTENING TO CD Customer complained about intermittent skipping but what Ifound was unit was muting int. When unit would mute I found I lost audioout of Pin5 (IC1021202). I found noise coming from IC512.
INCORRECT PART NO. IN SERVICE MANUAL Unit would mute when it received a station and wasun-muted during station search. I found the 9 digit part No. for Q-406was incorrect. It is listed as 872990439. Also, Q-403 is incorrectlylisted with same part No.
UNIT WILL SKIP WHEN PLAYING CERTAIN DISCS Customers discs, Chris Isaak, and Bruce Springsteen, Born toRun, skip on tracks 5 & 8 respectively. The customer was told the discswere bad, and acquired replacements. The new discs also skipped. Thetechnician at San Bruno did the TRACKING GAIN ADJ. wi
INCORRECT PART NO. IN SERVICE MANUAL Unit would mute when it received a station and wasun-muted during station search. I found the 9 digit part No. for Q-406was incorrect. It is listed as 872990439. Also, Q-403 is incorrectlylisted with same part No.
INCORRECT PART NUMBER FOR IC201 The 875232314 is subbed by 875232532 which is much larger. -HQ COMMENTS: The correct part number for IC201 is 875994488.
MOTOR NOISE PICKED UP BY MICROPHONE. Customer complaint of motor noise in audio. Factory modon service bulletin #122 already installed.
NO PLAYBACK Scrambled picture. Looks like lost horz. sync.
DOES NOT OPERATE The leads on the DC-DC converter board punch through theinsulating sheet and short out on the shield below it. This damagesthe converter.
REPLACEMENT GEAR NOT WORKING National Parts Center computer substitutes 3-290-741-01 gear.Old part has retainer rib inside hole. The new part does not. New partwill fall off as there is no room on top of the gear to install aretainer. Please advise what is required to complete cu

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