Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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PART NUMBER PROBLEM Q-616 On the schematic Q-616 is a DTC143T, which I show 8-729-900-74as part number in sub book. In the back of the service manual parts list(page 47) it lists Q-616 as a 2SC634SP (8-729-600-27) which subs to a2SC2785-HFE (8-729-119-78).
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF POWER Intermittent loss of power.
VERTICAL JITTER ON SELF-RECORDED TAPES Vertical jitter when playing back self-recorded tapes. Thepre-recorded tape played back ok.
NINE-PIN ADAPTOR Nine-pin D-type adaptor that comes with the unit is notidentified with a part number in the service manual.
OVERLAPPING VIDEO AND VERTICAL JITTER In play mode the picture is distorted (double image) and willjitter vertically. In pause mode the picture is snowy.
IC-301/IC-302 DIFFERS FROM SERVICE MANUAL, SEE SUPPLEMENT-3E The service manual does not agree with the circuit on the(B) board. -HQ COMMENTS: Supplement number 3 will show the correct circuit.
GREEN CRT FILAMENT OPENS UP, REPLACED C-726 AND R-730 (GG) Servicer reports set came in with green CRT open filamentsymptom. Installed new CRT and after a week the filament opened up again.
PURITY I feel too many tubes are being replaced because of purityproblems. The only thing the tube needs is shield degausing. Our ownservice centers are replacing tubes for that reason.
MAIN CHASSIS ASSEMBLY PART NO. MISSING FROM SERVICE MANUAL The part number of the main chassis assembly is not listed inthe service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number of the main chassis assembly of the XR-45is listed in the XR-451 service manual (UK model). The number is3-592-561-00.
PART NOS. DRIVE BELT AND TAKE-UP BELT NOT IN SVC MANUAL Thte part number of the drive and take-up belts are not listedin the service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: The part numbers are:Drive Belt Ref. C7 3-401-053-03Take-up Belt Ref. C6 3-401-049-99
PART NUMBER MISSING FROM SERVICE MANUAL SUPPLEMENT 2, L-304 What is the part number of L-304. It is not listed in theservice manual supplement number 2. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number of L304 is 1-408-068-00. This part wasused on A boards which are covered under service manual supplement 2.L-304 was not used on
NO CODE SENT TO HANDSET FROM BASE Power light on Base continues to flash when Handset placed onBase. Handset is ok. Determined that code comes out of IC-501 pins 45 &46 then transmitted from Base to Handset over the air - not through topcharge terminals. When Handset placed on Base, c
WRONG PART NUMBER FOR CARRYING CASE The part number listed in the service manual for the carryingcase (X-3336-630-1) does not come up as valid in Kansas City Parts. Isthis a correct part number? -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is incorrect. The correct part number isX-3335-663-1. We will
ONE OR BOTH CHANNELS DROP OUT INTERMITTENTLY Received several units with no sound in one or both channels.Apparently, where the DBB ribbon cable connects the main board at CN302,there is a bad connection.
NEW MC BOARD DIFFERENT FROM OLD BOARDS When ordered bd. complete for STRGX6ESII, received MCB com-plete bd. with different bd. number. Old bd. part number is 1-626-548-12.New bd. P/N is 1-626-548-11. Everything looks ok physically but whenplugged on main bd. F-801 and F-802 are opened. Ex

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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