Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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No Raster Sony KV20VM20 Unit has no raster but sound and OSD are O.K. Unit did not have any Horizontal blanker pulse to pin 19 of the Jungle IC. Shorted Z1403 Unit had 60 Peak to Peak at the ""FP"" of flyback. At cathode of Z1403 should be 7 volts peak to peak. Replace diode and restored normal operation. ""Muller
NO RASTER KV32V40 Unit has no raster. When G2 is increased the unit has a non uniform bright screen, brighter at the top of the screen. The television has sound. Cure: Checking the +12 and -12 volts at IC561(2&4) respectively are normal. Monitoring Q561( C) it was only 1.7 volts (where it should be about 3 volts), and Q561(B) was 0.6 volts( where it should be ""0"" volts).. The voltage at Q562(B) is always low (0.11volts). By pulling the base Q562(B) high, with a DMM in the diode check mode, we are able to get full vertical sweep. It appears there is no, or poor pulse coupling between the FB pulse U561(3) and Q562(B). A strong pulse is present at U561(3) when grounding Q561(B). No pulse at C564(+) Tech needs to replace C564 1mfd @ 50 volts was ""Muller
No raster KV32S65 serial 8014809. Unit has no Raster. Sound O.K.. LED on front panel flashing. It also does have high voltage. I had tech measure the G2 voltage at the CRT. It was only 54 volts. With the socket disconnected the G2 voltage returns to 410 volts. Unit has defective CRT. CRT must be replaced A80JYV52X Muller
NO RASTER KV32S25 Has no Raster. When the G2 is increased the set has a partial raster but brighter at the top of the screen then the bottom. Measuring across the vertical yoke windings we find there is a voltage of approximately 8 volts. These is sound and channels can be selected. The symptom indicates the set has a vertical deflection failure but more precisely a power supply failure for the _15 volts source. The tech either has a open R536 = .47 ohm @ or open D530. . Muller
No Raster KV27S20. Unit has no raster. Tech had replaced CRT but the symptom was not corrected Power light still flashing indicating the unit is in the stand by mode Open trace on the CRT driver board causing the IK pulses not to be returned to CN1761(6) not to be fed back into the jungle chip. Muller
NO RASTER KV26V36 Unit has no raster. Further checking we found the set had High voltage and vertical sweep. Just no filaments. I had tech check the must haves. The only thing that was not present was Heater voltage. I had the tech remove the socket and measure the total resistance of the filament source by measuring the H1 & H2 terminal pins on the ""C"" board. It was open. H1 & H2 at the flyback were less than 1 ohm. Checking CN503 found the black wire was loose and fell out of the connector when unplugged from the main board. Connector wire would stay in place if reseated. Pushing connector back in place corrected the trouble. ""Muller
No Highvoltage KV32V25 serial # 7014651. Unit has no high voltage. The horizontal driver has tremendous amount of ringing on it. Does not change if we remove horizontal output transistor. The transistor has drive has 7 distinct pulses on the base that go above and below the cut off point of the transistor. These seven pulses are 1 microsecond in duration and are grouped in clusters after where the horizontal drive pulses are supposed to be. If allowed to operate for more than a minute the horizontal driver transistor Q502 will short C to E. The product has a bad jungle IC301 Muller
No Highvoltage KV32S25 Unit will not develop high voltage. When the set is turned on no high voltage appears. The set has sound and has a flashing light on the front indicating the set is still in a stand by mode waiting for IK pulse feed back acknowledgement from the jungle IC When monitoring the Horizontal output collector we found the 140 dropped slightly at turn on. But the Horizontal driver Q501(C) dropped to 85 and back up to 140. I had the tech to remove the horizontal output transistor and try starting up the set again. After power up measure the Q501(C) horizontal driver transistor. It should be about 85 volts and stayed. This told us we were looking at a shutdown symptom. Checking all secondaries we found nothing shorted. Replaced flyback which corrected trouble. Muller
NO HIGH VOLTAGE KV27S25 serial 811908. Unit has no High voltage. LED in front is flashing on and off after power up. There does not seem to be any horizontal drive to the Horizontal drive transistor. Defeating the Horizontal output by removing the collector connection still will not allow Horizontal drive to appear at IC351(37). This pin is sitting at nearly 8.5 volts, not the 3 volts it is supposed to be. Also IC351(38) the HOFF/AFCPIN is at 3.3 volts which is normal Looks like the tech has a bad IC351 CXA2025AS. A second Jungle IC corrected the problem. Muller
no chroma PIP Sony KV32XBR48. No chroma in PIP X3304 0n PX board not soldered (PIP) Muller
NO CHROMA KV27S15 Unit has no Chroma. Black & white is OK. Also no Chorma while using the PIP. Sound and On Screen Display OK. Initializing EPROM does not change the effect. Scoping the first place where the chroma signal can be readily available is on the PIP module. They are marked ""C IN"" & ""C OUT"" on connector CN501(1 & 5). We have chroma going into the PIP board but nothing coming out. Jumping these pins together with a 1 mfd capacitor caused the color to return, as long as the capacitor was in place. Unit has bad ""Muller
NO AUDIO KV36FV75. Unit has no audio. But also has no OSD stating ""Main"" or ""Stereo"" Main picture is fine. ""ID codes are 0=25, 1=55, 2=47 3= 0 , 4= 155, 5 =143, 6 =6, 7=0 which is correct. Initializing the EEPOM did not correct the trouble. Tech will be returning with a Manual Muller
intermittent snow KV27V25 Unit has intermittent snow in the picture zThe tuner pn# 8-598-340-20 was replaced. Now the set has a symptom where the remote control causes the set to enter the video input mode when the channel is selected. Also the set will enter the video input mode if the and another brand of remote that operates a stereo receiver will put the set into the video input mode. I instructed the tech to enter the tech mode and set the ID codes...ID0=25, ID1=23, ID2=47, ID3=0, ID4=27,ID5=135, ID6=1, ID7=0 . Write these in memory, then press ""8"" ""Enter"" to initialize. This corrected the problem. ""Muller
Int Raster KV32S26 Unit has a brighter than normal picture. When G2 is lowered the picture blinks on an off. Tech replaced the flyback and jungle chip with no changes in symptom I had tech short the CN1761(1, 2, 3, & 6) together. This should give a perfect black and white picture. But when this was shorted we had a black and white picture but the picture still was flashing. Since the jungle IC was already replaced it was assumed the IK pulses were OK from the jungle chip. The main concern is if the pulses are leaving the main board, and if the pulses are getting back to pin 27. This flashing condition indicates the IK feedback pulses are insufficient some where in this path. Further static check indicated a shorted zener diode D1792 in the IK buffer path on the CRT Muller
HORIZONTAL SWEEP Unit has shorted L511 and Q512. Tech replaced these items and they burn out again Tech needs to replace D503,D502, D504 and C511, C512 the retrace capacitor along wit the other components. Muller

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