Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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HORIZONTAL SWEEP KV36FV1 serial 9023663 Unit has a sever over scan condition for horizontal sweep. Tech did not measure any voltages in the pin amp circuit Tech needs to check on L511, Q512, C513, C511, D502 & D504. One or more of these are shorted. Muller
HORIZONTAL SWEEP KV35V36 Product has a insufficient horizontal sweep. The sweep is reduced by 10 to 15% on the left side and 2 ~ 5% on the right. When going into the tech set up parameters and adjusting the HSIZ value the sweep will change to full sweep. Monitoring the voltage at the Collector of @Q512 the voltage will vary from 27 volts HSIZ set to 22. When HSIZ is set to 48 Q512(C) will drop to 16 volts. The set will have full sweep but it has a slight foldover condition on the right side of picture. It is recommended the tech replace the retrace capacitors C511, & C513 and the Yokes"" capacitors C518, & C515. Tech replaced all of the capacitors and the symptom ""Muller
horizontal sweep KV32S40 ser 8053998 Unit has sever over scan of horizontal sweep. Tech replaced Q512 Shorted and Q511 open all elements. Measuring the collector of Q512 tech finds the voltage running in excess of -7 volts. The voltage on this transistor in inconsistent with the symptom on the screen of a narrow raster that is hourglass shaped. L511 and Q512 are burning up. Suggest the tech replace the following additional components D502, D503, D504, C511, and C513. Muller
horizontal lines Sony KV27S20. Black banding across the screen. Symptom does not appear when playing a tape. Gave tech modification on the KV27S20 to replace C1267 from a .047 to a .47 tantalum capacitor. Muller
horizontal Unit has severe over scan of horizontal sweep. Tech replaced Q512 Shorted and Q511 open all elements. Measuring the collector of Q512 tech finds the voltage running in excess of -7 volts. The voltage on this transistor in inconsistent with the symptom on the screen of a narrow raster that is hourglass shaped. L511 and Q512 are burning up. Suggest the tech replace the following additional components D502, D503, D504, C511, and C513. Muller
horizontal Unit has a severe over scan condition for horizontal sweep. Tech did not measure any voltages in the pin amp circuit. Tech needs to check on L511, Q512, C513, C511, D502 & D504. One or more of these are shorted. Muller
horizontal Unit has a insufficient horizontal sweep. The sweep is reduced by 10 to 15% on the left side and 2 ~ 5% on the right. When going into the tech set up parameters and adjusting the HSIZ value the sweep will change to full sweep. Monitoring the voltage at the Collector of @Q512 the voltage will vary from 27 volts HSIZ set to 22. When HSIZ is set to 48 Q512(C) will drop to 16 volts. The set will have full sweep but it has a slight foldover condition on the right side of picture. It is recommended the tech replace the retrace capacitors C511, & C513 and the Yokes"" capacitors C518, & ""Muller
HIGH VOLTAGE Unit has no high voltage. LED in front is flashing on and off after power up. There does not seem to be any horizontal drive to the Horizontal drive transistor. Defeating the Horizontal output by removing the collector connection still will not allow Horizontal drive to appear at IC351(37). This pin is sitting at nearly 8.5 volts, not the 3 volts it is supposed to be. Also IC351(38) the HOFF/AFCPIN is at 3.3 volts which is normal. Unit has a bad IC351 CXA2025AS Muller
GEOMETRY KV36FV1 serial 9032273 Tech needs yoke modification for the yoke upgrade. Gave tech bulletin 387R2 relating to the shoulder roll off Muller
GEOMETRY KV32S45 serial 8102913 picture is rotated clockwise by 1/4 inch. Tech claims this tube does not have a pix tilt circuit or rotation on the CRT bell Tech needs to break the bonding of the yoke ant reposition the yoke. Muller
GEOMETRY KV27V65 serial 8027393 Customer complaint is a slight geometry error or tilt in the lower right hand corner of the screen. It causes a symptom of horizontal lines that are not perfectly straight. In this case the lines are elevated by at width of 2 horizontal lines. This television is operating within specifications. The geometry errors should not deviate more than 1/8 of an inch across the length of the Horizontal line. Horizontal tilt can be no more than 1/8 of an inch. This television beats this measurements. There is nothing I can recommend to the tech to do to improve on the geometry of this receiver. Muller
GEOMETRY KV27S10 serial 723009 Unit has symptom every time the set looses power the geometry memory is lost VPOS, VSIZ, HSIZ. PAMP drop at least 10 points each. When resetting these values and writing them to memory the they will be erased as soon as power is removed Tech needs to replace the EPROM??. I002 corrected the problem Muller
focus KV36FV1 serial 9046442 Unit has poor focus on left and right side of picture The set has a dynamic focus error. Tech needs to see if the Dynamic focus circuitry is running correctly. Also before any hardware is tested the parameters of HAMP and DCSF should be adjusted to see if the dynamic focus is effected. When adjusting these parameters the values get the best focus when each is mixed out to 60. The focus becomes poor 2 inches from the left side of the screen and 5 inches from the right side of the screen. Muller
FOCUS KV36FV1 Customer is running the television on a DSS satellite system. Customer claims the set looses focus in the picture when there is a lot of detailed movement. This is caused by the 10 megabit throughput limit of the DSS video compression format MPEG3. In order for the compression to work correctly the Digitization process only updates the data that is changing. Background data is not updated as regularly as the foreground data. Hence when everything must get updated. But the MAX Data throughput is finite. the entire video waveform will not be accurately represented, instead the smaller detailed portions of the picture will begin to have larger pixels so not to exceed the Max Data. This is why to the eye the set appears to loose resolution or picture detail. This is normal. Muller
Dead Unit is dead. After talking to customer they explained that they had a power surge caused by a car hitting a power pole. The set was completely dead. VDR602 was noticeably burned up. Cutting this device our of the circuit found that it was open. However the device is connected in the circuit like a metal oxide varistor. It should measure open since it is in parallel with the A.C. Line. It was discovered that no other shorted components could be found in the primer of the power supply. Main line fuse WAS NOT BLOWN! Checking the raw AC voltage on the AC Line filters T601, and T602 find that we have no AC voltage on the output of T602 but present on the input side. Isolating the open coil and removing the defective VDR602 allows the set to turn on and operate correctly. Tech will need to replace T602 and Muller

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