Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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MISSING PART NUMBER The part number for the rotor assembly which sits above Ref.No. 926 is not listed in the service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is the same as listed in the CDP-X7ESDmanual. It is A-4675-324-A.
RAGGEDY VERTICAL EDGES ON STRAIGHT OBJECTS (E.G. DOORS) Edges of straight lines looked like line crawl especiallyabout 1/3 center of picture.
NO POWER Unit came in with no power on. Found defective IC-001. Whenremoved IC, I found pin came off and very little or no thermal compoundunderneath IC. I found three units with same problem.
INTERMITTENT DOOR WILL NOT CLOSE Intermittent door will not close. Dew indicated found poorcontact at CN-001 (FP-57 board). I found two units had same problem.
LINE IN MIDDLE OF PICTURE, CRACKED MIRROR REPLACED Dealer received unit and set it up on sales floor. Upon ini-tial turn on, he noticed a vertical line running from top to bottom ofpicture. Upon further inspection, it was found that the mirror was crack-ed. Mirror was not mounted correctly - it was sh
MISSING PART NUMBER The part number for the flywheel is not shown. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 3-390-806-01.
EJECT FUNCTION NOT WORKING CORRECTLY I have had three units in the last week with a complaint of(right side eject does not work). The problem comes from the eject lever(Ref. No. 54, pg. 24) slipping behind the bracket assembly (Ref. No. 10,pg. 23). The repair is simple, but seeing several
OPTICAL ASSEMBLY BRACKET Page 20 of the service manual shows the unidentified bracketsurrounded by reference numbers 107, 106 and 120. Service Bulletin No. 31indicates the part number is 4-924-445-01. An ASC received the part andclaims the tabs on the right side of the drawing
NO PICTURE No picture.
NO POWER No power. Also pertains to serial number 23018.
NO POWER No power. Also pertains to serial number 238547.
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF MEMORY, POR CONNECTION T-5002 Set came into servicers shop with random loss of memory.Problem would usually manifest itself as coming on with set tuned tochannel 0 or at full volume. Servicer replaced memory IC with no results.
DEFECTIVE OPTICS Part of the assembly comes unglued causing no play. The diodeassembly (sensor) is cemented to the optical device. We received threeunits with this problem so far. Two assemblies have been forwarded toTechnical Department for evaluation. -HQ COMMENTS:
MODIFICATION FOR TEST ADJUSTMENT MODE If you modify the unit as per bulletin No. CSV-3, 91, youcannot get into test adjustment mode.
VOLUME INCREASES AND LOSS OF MODE CONTROL, REPLACED CP-102 After warm up, volume would increase to maximum: display wouldindicate maximum volume and remain on-screen. Unable to change volume,channel, or anything else. If set unplugged, and then again powered up,default to (AUX) antenna mode (this model does no

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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