Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NOISY MECHANICAL SECTION If the mechanical section is noisy, check that, looking fromthe top, the rvs gear assembly (page 43, ref. No. 215) is behind the leafspring (part of mechanical chassis assembly No. 224). If it gets in frontof the leaf spring, all the functions will work
POOR FM RECEPTION Unit will only receive the strongest FM stations. Weakstations are muted, and border line stations will constantly mute in andout of mute.
TECHNICAL DATA DOES NOT ASSIST WITH TROUBLESHOOTING, IC-104 The following words were spelled as indicated. All otherdisplays were spelled correctly. Sleep - Slgep, Muting - Mutwng, Aux -Auxe, Video - Vidfo.
MICROPHONE PART NUMBER Their is no part number for the microphone on page 178 of theservice manual. -HQ COMMENTS: Part number for the microphone is 1-542-089-11.
EJECTS HALF-WAY THEN RELOADS Would eject half-way stop and reload.
NO PICTURE AFTER A WHILE Picture began to get dim until no picture at all.
DISTORTED PICTURE AND SOUND Severe distortion both sound and picture. Audio sounded likespeed was too fast and picture had horizontal line resembling a picturewhich was severely out of horizontal sync. IC-651, pin 13 had videopresent but no video on pin 12. Pin 10, IC-651 was 0V
DISTORTED VIDEO, NO AUDIO, NO RECORD Distorted video, no audio, no record.
LCD DISPLAY INOPERATIVE Could not set date/time or reset counter.
PICTURE ROLLS AND NO COLOR IN PLAYBACK Picture rolls and no color in playback mode. Traced problemto no sync from IC-701. Found C-701 chip cap bad.
LD PICTURE DISTORTED AND CD DOES NOT PLAY 1. Distorted LD picture. 2. CD does not play.
PART NUMBER INCORRECT Q-409 Part number of Q-409 is incorrect. The correct part number is8-729-921-85. -HQ COMMENTS: A service bulletin has been written and will be issuedshortly.
INCORRECT PART The part KCP sends is a chip component. The part needed isthe one shown on page 11, column 2, third down - 2SC3900. Is the partnumber listed in the service manual correct or has the parts departmentsomehow mispackaged this part? -HQ COMMENTS: The tran
SHUTDOWN AFTER WARMUP Ohm meter check between HVR and GND measures 100K - 120K Ohms:too high. Both part numbers above sub to 1-230-666-21, which normallymeasure 100K ohms or slightly less: ok.
SHUTDOWN AFTER WARMUP Ohm meter check between HVR and GND measures 100K - 120K Ohms:too high. Both part numbers above sub to 1-230-666-21, which normallymeasure 100K ohms or slightly less: ok.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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