Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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(MD) BOARD The (MD) board in this unit does not correspond to theschematic. Do we have any additional information? If so, please Fax tothe Minneapolis SSC. -HQ COMMENTS: We have no additional information on this at this time,and we have not had any other complai
CABLES I need the 7 conductor cable that connects CNP504 and the 4conductor cable that connects CNP505. If the cables are not available,can you supply the part number of soft flexible ribbon cable. I.E.neoprene insulator? Thank you. -HQ COMMENTS: These cabl
INTERMITTENT TUNING OPERATION The unit would intermittently not tune or accept tuningcommands. All the control ICs of course were changed. The problem wascaused by a very intermittent L035 coil. It would increase resistance toabout 1000 ohms. Replacement resolved the problem. -H
MISWIRED BOARD Picture took too long to come up.
FOCUS SPARK GAP ARCING, REPLACE CRT SOCKET CRT was replaced. Now arcing from focus spark gap (neon lampwithin CRT socket) occurs every 5 seconds continuously, causing randomhorizontal lines through picture, but no shrinking of picture size.
PART NUMBER NEEDED FOR CP-104, USE OTHER PART No part number for capacitor pack CP-104 on the (A) board.
PART NUMBER FOR CP-500 DIODE PACK, 8-719-109-93 DIODE P/N What is the Part number for CP-500 ? -HQ COMMENTS: CP-500 consists of three zeners: RD6.2E-N2 part number 8-719-109-93. You must cut out the defective diode and replace it with a new diode.
INCORRECT PART LEVER FF Replacement FF lever is different from original. -HQ COMMENTS: Stock at KCP was temporarily mixed. The stock is beingrectified. Please order again.
NO POWER ON VIA REMOTE CONTROL; POWER OFF IS OK, OPEN FOIL Once set manually powered on, all other remote and manualfunctions ok. Remote control works ok on another set.
THE PICTURE FLICKERS AFTER 20 MINUTES The picture flickers after a short time.
MISSING PART NUMBER AND PART NUMBER NOT IN COMPUTER 1. Display board and translation board does not have a partnumber in the service manual (see page 6).2. Part number A2105028A, Reference No. 1, supplement 1 is not loaded inthe computer. -HQ COMMENTS: The display and translation boards are included with
MISSING PART NUMBER There is no part number for this part in the manual, also nomention of it in the replacement book. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is not missing. It is listed in theservice manual on page 44. However, the part number is incorrect. Thecorrect number is
HIGH-PITCH NOISE WHEN USING TRANSFER MODE Unit disconnected after 4-5 seconds during recording of theICM. Followed service bulletin TEL-002. After this, recording ICM ok.Another problem came up. When using the transfer mode to Playback ICM, ahigh-pitch noise came out.
PART NUMBER FOR STAND ON BACK OF FD270 Need the part number for stand on back cabinet of FD-270. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for your report. Stand is part of rearcabinet. Part Number is in Service Manual according to color of cabinet.
A BOARD NOT COMPATIBLE, SEE SM SUPPLEMENT New board layout different - 3 wire lead from board neartuner. IC-201 is different chip. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for your report. Service Manual Supplement hasissued.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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