Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NO CAMERA RECORD WITH BATTERY Would not record, eject ect. with fully charged battery.Would operate fine with viewfinder disconnected or using ACP-80. Withbench power supply found that unit would shut down at 6.24 volts with nobattery down indicator. Found frequency at Q-653 to be
PART NUMBERS NEEDED We need part numbers for the following which are on page 20 ofthe service manual:B Down switch boardA Up/open switch board -HQ COMMENTS: These part numbers are listed in the CDP-C20/C26 and C30service manuals. The part number for the Up/open switch boa
NO SOUND Unit powers up, but no sound. Speaker relay not turning on.Low voltage secondary winding open on the T-601.
MOTORBOATING ON FM Unit would motorboard on FM when very hot. Found that thesupply voltage to the LPF for FM VT was low (4.3V) with normal 14V input.Also located thermally leaky C-206 which caused the motorboating fromheat. Replaced C-206, this eliminated motorboating wh
HUM FROM SPEAKER WITH POWER OFF There was a hum coming from the speaker with either AC or DCpower connected and power switch was off. Found Q-653 very leaky. Remov-ing from unit one leg of the transistor was off. The transistor hadgotten very hot. It looked like wrong polarity DC a
NO POWER Unit had no power. Pin 34 of IC-101 Servo/System Control ICwas dead. Found X-101 defective.
LOADING Loads tape then right away unloads. Does not thread tape.
MAY NOT TURN ON OR SELECT VARIOUS FUNCTIONS SUCH AS AM OR FM May not turn on or select various functions such as AM or FMetc. Also applies to serial number 30058. The two units listed are onlyrepresentative of a number of similar failures.
AT MAXIMUM VOLUME - SOUND HARDLY AUDIBLE Servicer called me to explain that at full volume you canhardly hear audio O/P. He stated that ASP chip IC-601 had been replacedwith some results. He said he had all voltages as well as data Clk andstrobe, but very little output from IC-601.
CANNOT DO TAPE SPEED ADJUSTMENT AS PER MANUAL Cannot do tape speed adjustment as per manual.
CANNOT DO TAPE SPEED ADJUSTMENT AS PER MANUAL Cannot do tape speed adjustment as per manual.
CANNOT DO TAPE SPEED ADJUSTMENT AS PER MANUAL Cannot do tape speed adjustment as per manual.
WHITE NOISE ON SOFT PASSAGES OR BETWEEN SONGS A customer took his unit and this article to his dealer withthe same complaint. What is the fix? Reference Car Audio andElectronics. -HQ COMMENTS: Service bulletin Car Stereo No. 135 has been written toremedy this situation. I will fax you a copy.
CANNOT DO TAPE SPEED ADJUSTMENT AS PER MANUAL Cannot do tape speed adjustment as per manual.
WRONG PART NUMBER Reference numbers 901 and 905 have the part numbers reversed.Reference number 901 is part number A-3270-404-A nad is the digital board.Reference number 905 is part number A-3270-407-A and is the audio board onpage 17 of the XE-8 manual. -HQ COMMENTS: Ch

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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