Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18945
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REWIND PROBLEM Close inspection of enclosed upper drum revealed a slightimperfection (marked). Replaced again OK.-HQ COMMENTS: We will evaluate this sample and inform you of our results.
STATIC AFTER 10 TO 30 MINS Unit has static after warm-up.
NO EJECT Unit came in with tape jammed inside. I found that the unitwould not unthread, it would play fastforward and rewind.
SHUT DOWN AFTER 5 SECONDS This particular unit was going into shutdown. After 5 secondsof play, the unit performed all function for that 5 seconds. The onlytime the unit worked without shutting down was on still.
NOISE IN AUDIO ON QUIET SCENES Customer complains about background noise from auto focus andmechanism. CS-5 board changed. -HQ COMMENTS: Due to the proximity of the microphone to the focus andzoom motors, acertain amount of noise is unavoidable during quiet scenes.Reducing the gain
WRONG MOTOR COIL WIRING Motor coil wiring is wrong for L152-2 on hook up/board layoutpages. This coil is shown connected out of phase. Copy of Page 40/41 ofCDP-102 manual attached. Note corrected copy. -HQ COMMENTS: Confirmed the wiring of L152-2 should be crossed as youfou
CROSS TALK This unit had bad cross talk on both channels. The outputsfrom the band pass filters was not clean. BPF-801/802/901/902 wereall bad.
DRAWER WILL NOT OPEN The drawer would not open because the chucking motor (M802)gear penetration was too tight.
LOW TORQUE This unit had low take-up torque and would not rewind or FFto the end of the tape.
NO AUDIO, REPLACED THE IF BLOCK This unit had no audio.
EJECT Pressed EJECT, unit unload half way, stop and reload.
POOR TAPE PATH This one had poor tape path causing improper tracking. I haveseen an increasing number of new units with poor tape path right out ofthe box.
NO DISPLAY No display at all. Pin 1 of ND101 not soldered at all.
PARTS RATTLING AROUND INSIDE This is the second unit to arrive with parts rattling aroundinside. Apparently the screw (Ref. 301) that holds pole (A) (Ref. 302)and spring (Ref. 304) comes loose in transit. Both times it has been thescrew toward the rear of the transport.
TAPE WILL NOT PLAY Both units came from same distributor with complaint of notape play. This pinch roller had come off on both units after the pinholding the rubber roller came out of its hole. No signs of abuse areevident and the units function OK with new pinch roller

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