Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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CPU LOCKED Clock display is OK, but unit will not accept any operatorinput. Pin 8 of IC4 (PLL 1) is not toggling IC502 unlock Pin 9. Keyboard has been replaced. We have six units. -HQ COMMENTS: The unlock output goes high when the unit is powered onfor the firs
PREMATURE FAILURE OF IC201 When used in defeat mode for extended periods of time, IC201(signal switch) fails.
SPECIAL EFFECTS NOISY Noisy Betascan, no slow motion or other special effects.Looked at RF output on scope, no output from A
ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE There is one or possibly two errors in the alignment procedure1) Pg 23 indicates RV104 but pictorial shows RV103. 2) Pg 26 he claimswhen he grounds TP5 (assy) the motor spins very fast. Is this normal? -HQ COMMENTS: 1) The pictorial is incorrect. Ple
DAMAGED BOARD Three out of eight units we received at The Consumer CTRin Tampa have cracked X boards along the edge near Q1111. No damageto the cartons. -HQ COMMENTS: The cause seems to be flexible cabinet/chassis ofKV-25XBR.
SET COMES ON BUT NO OTHER FUNCTIONS, SNOWY SCREEN, OPEN D031 Set could be turned on or off. Raster with snow was presentand no other functions would respond other than on/off. Inspectionrevealed no clock pulses at Pin 16, IC031. Voltage check showed no DCvoltage at Pin 1 or 41 of this IC. I found D039 to be op
NO MANUAL OR REMOTE FUNCTIONS, REPLACE IC105 If the set was plugged into AC line, it would turn on but thepicture would be snowy. Other times it would not have any manual or remotefunctions other than you could turn it off manualy or with the remote.It would only come on if the the AC cord was disc
NOISY AUDIO Right channel noisy when volume control turned. Also verynoisy when subsonic switch engaged. Found yellow glue leaking across from+15 volt line at stereo/mono switch to subsonic switch connecting wires.
NO CHANNEL CHANGE, IC-1302 ON "A" BOARD Unit would not change channels. If channel up/down waspressed, screen would blank for a moment, and return to the same channel.
WEAK SYNC, REPLACE Q203 Unit had bend in picture and color hue was off. Traced theproblem to Q203 (A board), sync looked good but at emitter horizontalsync was clipped.
INTERMITTENT OPERATION When first looked at the spindle, motor was on in reverse atfull speed. Found IC503/X502 not operating and replaced them. Motorstill ran in reverse but the clock was operating. Pin 13/14 IC503 wave-form was low. Found Q510 B-E open.
BUZZ IN THE HANDSET Buzz picked up from telephone connecting cables.
UNIT WILL NOT COME OUT OF RGB MODE Unit stayed in RGB mode. Remote inoperative, front panelcontrols inoperative except for power on/off. Screen black.
NEED PART NUMBER FOR POWER HARNESS What is P/N for power harness? -HQ COMMENTS: The S/M has the part and reference numbers on Page 25.The part number is 1-556-901-21 and reference number is 901. We willissue a S/B.
VIDEO FLICKER, REPLACED PPU1 There was a flicker in the video, this started out to beonly on the high band channels. Later on it was even on the low bandchannels. Found that the synthesizer unit was not locking and this lookedlike video flicker.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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