Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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MISTRACKING Mistracks towards end of disc. In addition to alignment,Q203 was found to be leaky. Also, helpful to repeat tracking alignmentwith number of discs to find medium. -HQ COMMENTS: When the tracking gain adj. is realigned to several discs,please make sure
IRREGULAR SPEED Set starts with slightly higher speed than normal. After 3-5minutes, speed changes up and down every 1-2 records. The set came backafter about one week, motor will not stop, and speed was about four timesfaster.
NO DISC ROTATION Screw was broken and the screw head stopped the disc motor.
INTERMITTENT MOTOR MOVEMENT Intermittently motor would go and stop.
SIGNAL DRIFT ON CHANNELS 4 AND 5 ONLY, SOLDER SPLASH Q101 After set was on about 4 to 5 hours, the signal would drifton channels 4 and 5 only, ie, severely mis-tuned. I noticed a soldersplash between gate and source leads of Q-101. When the short wasremoved, we lost channels 4 and 5 completely. All other sta
RASTER DISTORTION WHEN MOVED WITHIN ANY MAGNETIC FIELD When unit is moved, distortion occurs in raster, ie, bottom ofthe screen will bend causing distortion in scan lines and the raster willexpand and contract causing a change in size. -HQ COMMENTS: The symptom you are describing is common to all CRTs. Iti
DIFFERENT IC301, SEE S/B CTV0236 AND TVP0025 IC301 in actual set is not the same as in the service manual.Manual and schematic say IC301 is a CX-20129. Same units actually use aCX-20193. These parts are not interchangeable. P/N for CX-20129 is 8-752-012-91 P/N for CX-20193 is
NO DISPLAY Machine functioned normally with the exception of having nodisplay. Checked filament voltage and inputs and outputs to displaydrive chip and found no problems.
DEAD Unit was dead. No functions. Traced problem to shortedD1657 (pin damper diode).
NO SOUND No audio output. Traced problem to IC1107 on the X board.This is the second report I know of this problem.
DISTORTED PLAYBACK PICTURE Recording played back showed distorted picture only filling1/5 of the left side of screen. A white spot was in the center when theiris was opened up.
CAN Sometimes ejects tape when PLAY is pushed. ANT SEL IN wouldchange logic when button pushed but that the output stayed high. Changingmicroprocessor produced no change. Pins 30, 31 and 29 all were high.Unsoldering these pins allowed the program select t
NO TUNER OR MEMORY No tuner output or memory functions. Tuning voltage to tunerremained at 30V regardless of frequency indication on display.External DC on tuning line resulted in good reception. DC on IC402were wrong for Pins 2, 3, 8 and 14, 15. Replacing IC401, IC402,
SPURIOUS THREADING AT TURN ON Unit would attempt to thread tape immediately at turn on,even without a tape inserted or loaded. Problem was intermittent.
HIFI BULLETIN #116 IC601 SI-1125HD original was replaced with SI-1225HD and unithad distorted right ch. Another SI-1225HD was installed, same problem.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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