Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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LT CH AUDIO NOISE This customer had left ch audio distortion or noise on tapeplayback.
AM RFI PROBLEM ON LEFT CHANNEL This customer complained of left channel Beta Hi-Fi noise.The noise was from AM station at 1470 KHz.
PICTURE COLLAPSES VERTICALLY WHEN IN BETASCAN When SL-30 is connected to GE 19, mod #17AC3642W setcollapses vertically when in Beta scan. This does not happen with SL-5400or 5600. Tried another SL-30 with same results.
TAPE JAM This unit had a tape jam. The tape was on the back side ofthe #7 guide.
PROJECTION TV VIDEO SCREEN CLEANER When applied, the video screen cleaner left streaks on thescreen which could not be removed. Also burnt and irritated his hands.
DARK PICTURE, REPLACED CRT, R-557, AND C-556 Servicer has had 3 sets (one KV-1361, two KV-1357Rpicture tubes. Both sets had open componets R-557, and C-556.Servicer replaced both R-557 and C-556, but they both opened up within afew seconds. Servicer removed socket board from tube and measured the
DISC TABLE MOTOR ROTATION Disc table motor turns backwards at high speed at turn on.Circuit checked okay back to IC401. Found no RFCK 1/4 pin 23. CheckedRFCK output from IC503. No RFCK there either. Found no clock at pins 15and 16. Crystal X501 defective.
DEAD SET, DEF H DRIVE T-501 CAUSING DAMAGES The unit came in with a shorted horiz. output transistor anddefective B+ regulator package. We found the problem to be caused by adefective horiz. drive transformer. The primary was shorted.
SMALL PIX/PREMATURE SHUT DOWN, REPLACED L810 The picture was pulled in from the side about 2 inches andwould prematurely shut down. We found L810 to be shorted.
SOUND CUTS OUT, "A" BOARD IC-201 After the first 15 minutes of operation the sound would cutout. The set could be turned off and on once and continue to operatecorrectly the rest of the day. Also the sound level was somewhat low.
CONTINUOUSLY SCANS (AM) Unit continuously scans in AM mode.
JIG ADAPTER INFORMATION Servicer has Sylvania (CK-3000) test jigs in shop and wants touse them on KV-2649RX chassis. Found the inductor in the jig burned out. -HQ COMMENTS: The following adapters are available from Telematic,108-02, Otis Ave., Corona, NY 11368 (718) 271-5200
UNIT WOULD START UP AND THEN ALMOST IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN Unit would start up and then almost immediately shut down.Found the -5 volts missing due to defective DC convertor.
UNIT WOULD NOT RECORD FROM TIMER Customer complains that unit would not record from timer.I verified that when in TIMER RECORD mode, power would come on but unitwould not start up. Found D22 on timer II board open.
AUDIO Servicing dealer had worked on unit several days. Whiletrying to adjust unit, disc would suddenly speed up and then reject. Alsosometimes in STOP mode, we could hear disc motor running erratically. Atfirst, we tried to localize problem to RF section,

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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