Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18945
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NO SOUND, REPLACE IC-1106 ON X BOARD This unit had no sound. When off station, a rushing soundwas present, however, when receiving a station the audio was completelymuted. We found IC1106 to be defective.
AFT OSC, COLD SOLDER ON AFT COIL Channel would oscillate in and out of frequency about 1/2cycle per second (VC voltage was varying at the same rate).
DEAD, REPLACED CRT, H OUT AND R-608 The set went dead and smoke rolled out the back. We foundR608 to be the cause of the smoke. Furthermore, Q504 was shorted as wasthe CRT. The strange part of this failure is that both fuses were intact.
IMMEDIATE SHUT DOWN, REPLACED HVR BLOCK Set would come on and immediately shut off.
DEAD, REPLACED H OUT TRANSISTOR Set came in dead. Found horizontal output shorted.
BULLETS IN PICTURE, GROUNDED CRT PIN 10 The unit had bullets on the screen even with no video input.It appeared to be caused by some kind of corona discharge. Furtherinvestigation revealed Pin 10 on the CRT to have a charge. This pin isnot connected to anything on the CRT board. Grounding t
PICTURE DISTORTION, REPLACE C654 The picture was pulled in on all sides and was snowy. Wefound all B+ sources to be low. The 135V source was about 103V. Regula-tion was poor. Increasing the line voltage to 140VAC resulted in normaloperation. We found C654 which is across T651/POT t
VIDEO DRIFT, LEAKY D2213 On low channels video would drift.
INCORRECT MECHANICAL OPERATION, ADJUSTED GEAR ASS'YG New arm assembly was installed. Door would not close all theway on right side. Found large gear off one tooth on gear strap inassembly.
INCORRECT MECHANICAL OPERATION, REPLACED ARM ASS'Y Mirror would not extend to complete open position.
BUZZ IN SOUND, ADJ HELICAL FILTER AND REPLACED AFT WITH R Buzz on some cable channels. This complaint was pending sinceDec. Two trips were made to the customer's home. On the first trip Iadjusted the helical filter which removed most of the buzz.
POOR VHF RECEPTION, ANT CONTACT PLATE A MISSING The reception on VHF low channel was very poor.
MECHANICAL POPPING NOISE, TIGHTEN CABINET SCREWS The customer said that the set made loud popping noises evenwhen turned off. The sounds were caused by the cabinet contractingduring temp changes. We found the screws mounting the mask to the maincabinet loose by 2-3 turns each.
IMMEDIATE SHUT DOWN, REPLACED R1602 Unit would go into shut down within 2 minutes of turn on.Found R1602 open. Replaced with another 24 ohm resistor and performedmanual check for shut down circuit.
DARK PICTURE, ADD CAP TO C546 When viewing scrambled channels using the Jerrold cableconvertor box, the picture is very dark with smeared reds.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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