Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18945
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MALFUNCTIONING IC303 AMS worked. Display would not light up. IC303/Q outputalways low.
OPEN Q210 After 20-30 minutes of running normal it distorted L. ch.
INCORRECT SOLDERING OF TH901/R904 These units displayed erratic or intermittent speed control.The problem is with the connections on R904 or TH901. These parts arenot properly soldered to the board and are occasionally offset.
PLASTIC EJECT LEVER SHEARS OFF The eject lever shears off at the end driven by the STOP/EJECTbutton. The WM-11 eject lever is made of metal. Can we substitute? -HQ COMMENTS: Use the metal eject lever in the WM-F8 instead of theoriginal plastic one.
MALFUNCTIONING IC601 This unit would intermittently go into reverse and the counterwas inoperative. We found IC601/System Control IC to be defective.
LEAKY CONTROL TRANSISTOR There was no sound coming out in PB mode.
CORRECT SETTING OF 4/8 OHM SWITCH Found L802 open twice. Upon talking to customer found he wasusing 8 ohm speakers. Found IMP SW on back of unit in 4 ohm position. -HQ COMMENTS: With the 4/8 ohm switch in 4 ohm position, a loadimpedance of T903 is lower than that in 8 ohm position, ma
MISSING P/N IN MANUAL A servicer had a unit with open diodes D901 and D902. Thesediodes are the part of the resistor/diode network (CP001) in the PPS.The P/N is not listed in the S/M. -HQ COMMENTS: CP (composite parts) are not stocked. Repairs are to bedone by replacing ba
IRREGULAR GUIDE BAR The unit preformed very well except that when the tone armreturned to the rest position it would vibrate during the last inch oftravel. We found the guide bar to be slightly irregular causing the tonearm to slightly bind and vibrate.
MALFUNCTIONING CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Only noise was heard in audio.
MALFUNCTIONING IC501 Noise in playback (ticking noise), different frequency ofnoise from different discs.
LOOSE WIRE IN CN22 Insert disc, runs fast for 15 sec. then ejects servo.Circuits check out OK.
NO TAPE EJECTION Motor would run at all times and tape was difficult orimpossible to eject. Press-fitted pin becomes loose. Therefore, themotor keeps running. -HQ COMMENTS: New part has no notch, which presents the pin from becominloose. You can obtain one from RPC/T
MISSING INSTRUCTIONS IN MANUAL No instructions are given on how to set tracking force.
RELAY NOT TOGGLING PROPERLY In playback, when going from Dolby off to Dolby C, unitbreaks into oscillation in both channels. When going from Dolby B, toDolby C, no problem. Unsoldering either Pin 2 or 8 of IC001 cures theopposite channel.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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