Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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PART NUMBER - LPF Ordered LPF-F501/F502 (P/N 1-464-273-00) and received LPFboard for Betamax (or perhaps TV) with antenna terminals. -HQ COMMENTS: This part number from the service manual supplement isvalid for late production CDP-101s. KCP stock is being investigated a
OPEN TRACE Foil open on volume control board. This foil appears to haveburned open.
SOLENOID DRIVE TRANSISTOR Cass. will manually eject, but not automatically at end oftape play.
VOLTAGE ERRORS IN MANUAL Many voltages in the power supply seem to be in error andneed clarification. Voltage difference exists on the same foil conductor. -HQ COMMENTS: A list is provided below of the key voltages: Please makea note of these voltages in your XR-45 S/M also.Q
MOTOR NOISE Servicer has had several complaints of motor noise throughhead phones. This problem does not show up on WM-10 but only on WM-F10. -HQ COMMENTS: Electrical motor noise occurs when the B+ line is furthertaxed by: 1) loaded motor 2) decayed battery 3) l
OPEN RV-1 When receiving stereo FM signals the sound was distorted.We found RV-1 to be open - VCO adjust.
LOOSE SPRING Small hair spring that sets in plastic groove of auto shutoff part of pinch roller comes out of groove and unit will not start toplay auto shut off taken over.
DEFECTIVE IC202 Unit would go into REC mode, however reel tables would notturn and it would eat tapes. Found that B+ (10V) to board was low.Isolated problem to shorted IC202.
DEFECTIVE RY301 This unit would play back fine. However when recording therewere intermittent passages with MOTORBOATING. We found RY301 (whichswitches the head between PB and REC) to be defective. This caused a poorground connection on the head.
FRACTURED GROUND LUG With the volume control set at minimum there is an imbalancein the sound level and static in one or both channels.
MISSING PART NUMBER IN MANUAL No part number for FM tuner in S/M. FM tuner number isA-434-402-9A.
DEFECTIVE CONTROL UPC - IC603 This unit did not light any display segments and there wasno tuning. A check of - control uPC - IC603 revealed that the IC wasinoperative.
SHORT ON SECONDARY OF T901 No power. Spring connector was bent towards PC board,shorting to ground the secondary of T-901 (power trans).
AUDIBLE NOISE Low level thump or rumble like noise is heard when everhorizontal drive motor moves tonearm.
INSTRUCTIONS IN MANUAL Page 17 of service manual, in order to perform verticalbalance and horizontal balance we recommend using a 70mg, a 245mg anda 315mg weight. Servicer has asked if we have a P/N for these weights. -HQ COMMENTS: Use the following number of washers to get

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