Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18945
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MISSING PART # IN MANUAL There is no P/N for the capacitor C134, 234 (56pF/500V),which are connected to the R/P head, in the service manual.
DEFECTIVE RELAY Erratic system control operation. When record button isdepressed, unit will intermittently enter rewind mode after 2-3 sec(record deactivates). Results from high resistance of relay contacts.
SERVICE MANUL INSTRUCTIONS P31. Lacking a linear detector, I adjust RV2 to energizebase relay.
SERVICE MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS P10 of service manual instructs tech. to turn RV6 CCW forfreq. adjustment. It is my belief that it should read RV5, instead.
GLUE ON S/N 800439 Intermittent cue up/down malfunction. Symptom was no dampingaction. Checking output of vert. MFB DET coil with scope showed inter-mittent no signal or noisy erratic signal. Tan glue on the solderpads of the coil's PCB in the bearing assy caused proble
OPEN LEAD IN S/N 802218 Intermittent cue up/down malfunction. Symptom was no dampingaction. Checking output of vert. MFB DET coil with scope showed inter-mittent no signal. An open lead, confirmed with ohmmeter was the cause.
BRIGHT PICTURE WITH RETRACE LINES Set would come on OK when very cold. Then after abouta minute, pix would get very bright and have retrace lines.
NO POWER - UNIT DEAD Unit had no power - completely dead.
INSUFFICIENT LINE MUTING Insufficient line muting. When pushed, line output wasreduced by better than 40dB but not totally muted. Signal level slowlydropped off from this point and finally muted completely after severalseconds. The effect was not noticeable on headphone outpu
DEAD, CONNECTOR SHORTED,ALSO REPLACED Q652, Q651, AND Q653 Set came in dead. Found connector shorted and Q653 and Q651reading 40 ohms between base and emitter (forward and reverse the same).
NO COMMANDER OPERATION This remote commander produced no infrared output. Thetransmit indicator did light.
AFT DRIFT, LEAKY Q024 When you tuned a station it appeared as if the AFT wassearching before it locked in on the strongest portion of the signal.VC was changing slightly before it locked.
NO SOUND, REPLACE IC605 No sound in left or right channels.
NO BAR DISPLAY, REPLACE SHORTED Q4028 No bar display in any function except if volume was atmid-range. Picture control would increase or decrease length of bardisplay. With color, hue or brightness there was no bar display.Pressing hue, bar was all green. Checking input to counter reset,
WHITE H LINES ON THE PICTURE, REPLACE Q001 The picture had white horiz lines producing a venetian blindeffect. There was also a buzz of 7-8kHz in the sound. We found that theVC line was not being properly filtered. Found Q001 (FET) in the activefilter to be defective.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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