Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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DEFECTIVE IC301 Memory would not hold functions. Battery and power supplygood.
TUNER NOT ALWAYS FUNCTION Output would switch on and off. Tuner would not alwaysfunction. Display intermittent.
DEFECTIVE RELAY When the unit is cold, the speaker protection relay (RY601)clicks, but no audio comes out. Opened the case of the relay and foundthe flux from PC board which was preventing the contact of the switchinside the relay.
OPEN R447 Preset memory would not take stations, no last stationrecalls.
ERROR IN MANUAL The part reference is indicated on the printed circuit boardsare wrong. In the base unit, RV9 is marked R59. In the handset, C34 ismarked C37. This is one of the caps to be replaced during channel changemodification.
LEAKY D201 Volume control appeared to be defective. It was noisy whenvaried. Input to Q201 always had a negative voltage present. This wascaused by a leaky D-201.
POP IN AUDIO Pops in speaker when radio alarm is activated. Seems to becaused when Q4 is switched. There is DC differences between switchedgrounds. -HQ COMMENTS: The mild pop prior to audio is normal and as you suspectedcannot be eliminated. Further efforts to el
REPLACEMENT SWITCH IS DIFFERENT Legs of switch are too short. Original is 11 mm. Replace-ment is 7 mm. Switch needs to stand away from board for proper operation. -HQ COMMENTS: Currently, a new number is being assigned to this AM/FMband switch: T-998-029-91
DEFECTIVE IC507 No analog output from IC507 (D/A Converter). All supportsignals present. Data input present. No noise detected.
SWITCH CONTACT NOT GOOD Intermittent operation of eject. Works on first touch fiveout of six tries but then requires several hard pushed on button on geteject.
PC BOARD CRACKS PC board cracks by attempting to disassemble the unit withoutremoving the support bolt on rear of unit which protrudes into the unit.
PLACEMENT OF Q315 The belt was rubbing on Q315 causing wow in audio and slowrewind. Q315 was leaning the wrong way.
CASE MUST BE INSULATED After installing new motor and board observed intermittentoperation of motor and intermittent speed.
STUCK LEVER Audio line output muted in all modes. The problem wascaused by a stuck lever assy, which is used to operate the mutingmicro-switch, located on the lower right corner of the rear of the tapetransport. While attempting to disassemble, the lever suddenly
DEFECTIVE RELAY The left channel would intermittently cut in and out. Wefound the problem to be the speaker relay.

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