Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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SHUT DOWN, REPLACE IC601 Set turns off by itself after 45 minutes.
SOUND AND PICTURE DISTORTION, REPLACE Q051 Set would not go all the way off. When turned off, pix woulddim, sound goes off. Found Q051 relay drive transistor completelyBURNED OUT.
INTERMITTENT SOUND, REPLACED IC202 Unit had very intermittent sound.
SOUND POP NOISE, REPLACED C226 Sound would pop off and on intermittently.
NO LOW VHF No low band VHF-UHF OK. VHF high OK. No negative 6 volts atVHF HI terminal of tuner apply external -6 volts could tune in low band.Q102 VHF HI drive had no negative voltage at base troubleshooting found-12V rectifier being loaded.
INTERMITTENT SHUT DOWN , REPLACED Q901 This set very intermittently shuts down. It could run a weekjust fine.
INCORRECT MECHANICAL FUNCTION When closing mirror assy, motor stops intmtly during first 3or 4 inches of travel. This is more severe if even the slightest pressureis applied in a downward motion on the reflector when motor is running.The plastic pipes tend to jam severely when press
SHUT DOWN, REPLACED HIGH VOLTAGE BLOCK Door would not open. Unit would shut down.
OUT OF CONVERGENCE Green would go in and out of convergence as the green tube wasarcing. Also brightness level change would affect size of green pictureproducing misconvergence effect.
INTERMITTENT BLACK BLOBS IN PIX, REPLACED T1501 Black blobs intermittently come and go and move around thescreen. The intensity and size can be varied by adjusting the videoinput level or AC input. By observing the waveforms in the horiz.circuit we found varying amounts of distortion at the secondar
VOLUME LEVEL CHANGES WITH PIX CONTROL, REPLACE IC101 Sound would increase when increasing picture level, decreasewhen lowering picture. Adjusting sound control would have similar effecton picture level. Mute control would not fully mute sound. PWM signalsfrom uP, IC101 Pins 2 and 3 were of the same ampl
INTERMITTENT COLOR This set was intermittently losing color. Found horiz. pulsemissing at Pin 20 of IC301. Traced problem to C311 which was opening up.
RETRACE LINES Customer objected to three-four vertical retrace lines onlyvisible while watching two channels 9 and 32. Lines appeared to sparkleas if they were being modulated with information. Scoping verticalblanking pulse, noticed excessive pulse width. Working
BLACK LINES ON THE SCREEN, REPLACE IC501 Solid black line across the screen about 1/2 inch thick,2 inches from the top. Very intermittent.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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