Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18945
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NO SOUND No sound, momentary raster. Found Q206 and Q205 leaky whichdrags the 135 B+ low (70V).
NO VHF LOW No low (2-6) channels. Could not get high (7-13) band toturn off. Found D101 leaky.
FAINT RETRACE LINES ON SPECIFIC CHANNEL ONLY Faint retrace lines only on channel 7. This problem appearedonly when the set was turned to cable 7. It was observed that thevertical sync pulse was compressed on this channel. This resulted in5-6 retrace lines appearing at top of screen. Linearity w
PICTURE NOISE Vertical bars across screen, excess ringing off 190V line offlyback. C540 was missing from circuit.
NO LOW VHF No low VHF channels, voltage on Q102 remains high regardlessof band switch position. Found D059 diode on M4 board leaky.
SET WOULD LOCK ON ONE CH Could not change channels. Checked the 33 volt line and foundonly 5 volts. Traced to a leaky Q18 transistor.
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF RED COLOR Customer complained of intermittent loss of red in the color.Servicer found bad connection at base of Q1344 on the B board.
SHUT DOWN, REPLACE IC601 AND OTHERS Shut down. Indicator light comes on momentarily after turnon.
DEAD, REPLACED Q601, D501, B RECT, ETC Set dead. No sound, no picture. Found defective the follow-ing parts: bridge rect. power module, Q601 transistor, D501 zener diode,and 5 amp fuse.
DEAD, REPLACE Q901 AND Q602 No sound - no picture. Found Q901 and Q602 shorted.
SHUT DOWN, SOLDER SPLASH Immediate shut down after turn on - less than 1/4 second.Dealer suspected shut down circuit or power supply but could not evenpower on oscillator. All sweep voltages checked with meter showed 0 ohmsat 15V line. 15V line on MD board shorted to ground.
PICTURE DISTORTION, REPLACED HLC Complaint about horiz. linearity specifically when writingtransversed screen. Replaced HLC with P/N 1-459-136 (HLC from 1930R).Problem resolved. Expect inductance of HLC (1-459-316) too low. Pleasesupply definite fix - have had 3 complaints to date.
SOUND DISTORTION, REPLACED D2006 When set was first powered up, volume was maximum and couldnot be lowered. Unit was turned off and restarted with no sound now atall. Checking output of A/D convertor, TNS3701BNS, found no PWM signal.Measured standby supply voltage, Pin 8, with power o
SET FAILS AFTER A FEW DAYS, REPLACED R569 Intermittently this unit would fail after servicing for astart circuit problem anywhere from one week to two months later. Theunit had been in 7 times in the last 6 months. After running for aconsiderable time under a heat lamp the voltage at the colle
POOR VERTICAL VC amp leaky. Repaired by replacement Q101, 2SC1815 withreplacement 2SC1364. Unit was OK for 6 weeks, then Q101 failed again insame way. Replaced and checked circuit. Found no reason for failure.Perhaps static problem. Enclosed you will find the ori

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