Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: Sony

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SonyKV27TS20NO VIDEO, REPLACE COMB FILTER CM-301 Unit displayed no video, but had character displays. Hadsound - G2 normal.
SonyVTX1100RNO FUNCTIONS - ERRATIC DISPLAY At turn on, unit would come up with AUX light on and randomnumbers on display. Sometimes the display was totally dead. Theresponder light would come on when remote used, but no function exceptPower worked. Missing key scan pulses on IC-101, but clock
SonyCFSW370MISSING PART NUMBER FOR SPRING Part number missing for wishbone shaped spring on deck(center between spindles).
SonySRS150AUDIO Complaint was no bass in speaker. I changed speaker, thisdid not help. The audio sounded clean but was lacking bass response. Inoticed the audio was lower on the input of IC-201 in comparison toIC-101. I traced low audio back to voltage amp Q-203, al
SonyCFSW350REMOVAL OF MAIN PC BOARD Removal of main PC board from cage. Caution: The PC board isheld by four plastic clips on the rear case. Clips are located by thespeaker terminals and power plug. These clips are easy to break.
SonyFD230WILL NOT POWER ON OR TUNE IN CHANNEL, SEE SB50 Unit tuning point which should be at 32V is shorted to groundand burns out DC/DC conv. (Ref. No. IC-602 on the A board part number,A-3015-759-A) and 6 volt regulator (Q-601 part number, 8-729-101-07) whichis on the same board. Received three replacemen
SonyCCDF55INTERMITTENT AUDIO WHEN USING ACV-60 Intermittent playback audio when using the ACV-60. Movingthe cable next to the adaptor that connects to the camera increasedintermittency.
SonyCDXA30BALANCE RING FOR CD CAUSE IT TO JAM WHILE LOADING DISC. Disc will jam if owner has affixed adhesive balance ringaround it's circumference. -HQ COMMENTS: The balance ring on the outside edge of the disc causeit to catch on the roller, as it's thickness is increased. It can alsoprevent it's slipping onto the
SonyCDXA20BALANCE RING FOR CD CAUSE IT TO JAM WHILE LOADING DISC Disc will jam if owner has afixed adhesive balance ringaround it's circumference. -HQ COMMENTS: The balance ring on the outside edge of the disc cause itto catch on the roller, as it's thickness is increased. It can alsoprevent it's slipping onto the t
SonyCDXA10BALANCE RINGS FOR CD'S CAUSE CD TO JAM WHILE LOADING DISC Disc will jam if owner has afixed adhesive balance ring aroundit's circumference. -HQ COMMENTS: The balance ring on the outside edge of the disc cause itto catch on the roller, as it's thickness is increased. It can alsoprevent it's slipping onto the t
SonyCCDF33PART NO IC-503 CO2 BOARD The replacement part is smaller than the original and doesnot fit.
SonyCCDF45PART NO - IC503 CO-2 BOARD The replacement part is smaller than the original, and doesnot fit.
SonyCCDTR5CAUTION LIGHT COMES ON AFTER A FEW SECONDS Take-up reel stops after a few seconds and caution light comeson.
SonyEVCX10EVF CABLE TOO SHORT EVF cable is too short. -TO TOKYO: When ordering the EVF cable part number 1-556-824-61, thereplacement sent is about 4 inches (100mm) long. However, the originalpart is about 7 inches (about 165mm) long, and the replacement is tooshort. Can you pleas
SonyCCDTR5PART NUMBER FOR PLASTIC SHIELD I need the part number for the clear plastic shield on thecassette compartment. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number for this shield (called the CassetteCover) is 3-736-834-01.

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