Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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Power supply chirp KV32S40 8096389 Customer complaint is when the set is turned off there is a slight noise "" zip"" noise from the flyback transformer that lasts for about 2/10 of a second. The customer exchanged the first Sony for this trouble. But the symptom was also in this TV too. The customer tried two of the same models, and claimed they did not here this noise when they heard it at the store. ""This noise is normal due to the fact the set does not shut off the Main B+ from the main SMPS. What is turned off is the 9 volt source from IC642 in the ""G"" board. As the voltage decays the there may be a slight phase shift in the horizontal drive signal as soon as the 9 volts begins to drop. The reason the customer could not hear this symptom in a store is due to its acoustics. The store is far noisier and carpeted walls and floors. In the customers home the set sits in an enclosed oak cabinet (no doors) in a bedroom with tile floors. One can here a pin drop in this room. This set is operating ""Muller
PIP KV35V36 Unit has no control over PIP channels. The PIP only displays the main channel. It will not change on its own I asked the tech go through the ID codes for this unit and see if they were the correct value. ID3was 10 ID5 was143 & ID6was 0. These were wrong. The ID codes are supposed to be from ID0 ~ ID7 = 25, 55, 47, 10, 155, 6, 0. After resetting the ID codes the set operated the PIP correctly but still needed to set the PIP chroma phase Muller
PINCUSHION KV32XBR60 Unit has narrow picture and hourglass distortion Q505 shorted and R571 open Muller
Picture interference Sony KV27S22. Serial 8126359 the sound is increased to a 60 to 80% level the CRT will exhibit an effect on the sides resembling a ""water fall"" effect. It disappears if the audio is muted or if the audio level is dropped down to a lower level. ""This symptom is called 'acoustical vibration."" It is caused by the sound energy from the speakers coupling acoustically through the CRT frame to the Aperture grille inside the CRT. The vibration causes the aperture grille assembly in the tube to vibrate. Suggested customer use external speakers ""Muller
NoiseY video This television had sever noise resembling black & white random lines of varying lengths. No discernable picture. Noise is in the tuner and video and modes. Checking the video at the input of the comb filter IC3504(2) on the rear I/O circuit board. The video is perfect. However the Luminance out IC3504(9)is broken into pseudo square waves that are random in size and shapes. This indicated the Combfilter was not working. Further checking discovered the FSC IC3504(37), which is a 3.58mhz carrier was reduced to a 60hx pulses. At CN271(15) we found the FSC signal normal. Problem was an open trace between the connector CN274(15) and C3578 located inside the combfilter shield located at coordinates C2 on the UY board. Muller
no video KV32V25 Unit has no video when using the front input jacks. All other inputs are O.K. When tracing the video signal from the front input connector we find good video on the connector but less than an inch away from the connector is a coupling capacitor C2233. Apparently the trace was torn after the video input jack entered the board. Placing a hard jumper wire from the Jack to the C2233(-) corrected the fault. Muller
no raster no sound KV32 Unit has a horizontal line across center of the screen. The line is elevated above center by 2 inches. There is no sound too. No LED'S in front are blinking This symptom is inductive of a problem in the data or clock bus. Measuring the SCL & SDA I found the SCL was running at 1 volt peak to peak and the SDA was at 4.97 volts PP. I had the tech start pulling all of the stand up boards out of the mother board to isolate the SDA & SCL lines. After the main tuner was removed the SCL returned to normal. Replacing the main tuner corrected the trouble. Muller
No Raster Sony KV20VM20 Unit has no raster but sound and OSD are O.K. Unit did not have any Horizontal blanker pulse to pin 19 of the Jungle IC. Shorted Z1403 Unit had 60 Peak to Peak at the ""FP"" of flyback. At cathode of Z1403 should be 7 volts peak to peak. Replace diode and restored normal operation. ""Muller
NO RASTER KV32V40 Unit has no raster. When G2 is increased the unit has a non uniform bright screen, brighter at the top of the screen. The television has sound. Cure: Checking the +12 and -12 volts at IC561(2&4) respectively are normal. Monitoring Q561( C) it was only 1.7 volts (where it should be about 3 volts), and Q561(B) was 0.6 volts( where it should be ""0"" volts).. The voltage at Q562(B) is always low (0.11volts). By pulling the base Q562(B) high, with a DMM in the diode check mode, we are able to get full vertical sweep. It appears there is no, or poor pulse coupling between the FB pulse U561(3) and Q562(B). A strong pulse is present at U561(3) when grounding Q561(B). No pulse at C564(+) Tech needs to replace C564 1mfd @ 50 volts was ""Muller
No raster KV32S65 serial 8014809. Unit has no Raster. Sound O.K.. LED on front panel flashing. It also does have high voltage. I had tech measure the G2 voltage at the CRT. It was only 54 volts. With the socket disconnected the G2 voltage returns to 410 volts. Unit has defective CRT. CRT must be replaced A80JYV52X Muller
NO RASTER KV32S25 Has no Raster. When the G2 is increased the set has a partial raster but brighter at the top of the screen then the bottom. Measuring across the vertical yoke windings we find there is a voltage of approximately 8 volts. These is sound and channels can be selected. The symptom indicates the set has a vertical deflection failure but more precisely a power supply failure for the _15 volts source. The tech either has a open R536 = .47 ohm @ or open D530. . Muller
No Raster KV27S20. Unit has no raster. Tech had replaced CRT but the symptom was not corrected Power light still flashing indicating the unit is in the stand by mode Open trace on the CRT driver board causing the IK pulses not to be returned to CN1761(6) not to be fed back into the jungle chip. Muller
NO RASTER KV26V36 Unit has no raster. Further checking we found the set had High voltage and vertical sweep. Just no filaments. I had tech check the must haves. The only thing that was not present was Heater voltage. I had the tech remove the socket and measure the total resistance of the filament source by measuring the H1 & H2 terminal pins on the ""C"" board. It was open. H1 & H2 at the flyback were less than 1 ohm. Checking CN503 found the black wire was loose and fell out of the connector when unplugged from the main board. Connector wire would stay in place if reseated. Pushing connector back in place corrected the trouble. ""Muller
No Highvoltage KV32V25 serial # 7014651. Unit has no high voltage. The horizontal driver has tremendous amount of ringing on it. Does not change if we remove horizontal output transistor. The transistor has drive has 7 distinct pulses on the base that go above and below the cut off point of the transistor. These seven pulses are 1 microsecond in duration and are grouped in clusters after where the horizontal drive pulses are supposed to be. If allowed to operate for more than a minute the horizontal driver transistor Q502 will short C to E. The product has a bad jungle IC301 Muller
No Highvoltage KV32S25 Unit will not develop high voltage. When the set is turned on no high voltage appears. The set has sound and has a flashing light on the front indicating the set is still in a stand by mode waiting for IK pulse feed back acknowledgement from the jungle IC When monitoring the Horizontal output collector we found the 140 dropped slightly at turn on. But the Horizontal driver Q501(C) dropped to 85 and back up to 140. I had the tech to remove the horizontal output transistor and try starting up the set again. After power up measure the Q501(C) horizontal driver transistor. It should be about 85 volts and stayed. This told us we were looking at a shutdown symptom. Checking all secondaries we found nothing shorted. Replaced flyback which corrected trouble. Muller

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