Dicas Reparação Sony

Pesquisa: Sony

Resultados 18974

SonySL340UNIT INOPERATIVE Unit inoperative. We found regulator, IC-001, is power supplywith all leads internally open. This is the third time I have been shownan IC like this. I am sending sample for your investigation.
SonyCCDF40NO SERVO LOCK No servo lock. A strip or snow keeps running up the screen.
SonySLHF1000NO CAPSTAN ROTATION Lost 5V at pin 14, IC-505 found C-817 shorted. Found coldsolder joint on 5V path at the eyelet left side R-600.
SonyCFSD20POWER TRANSFORMER Supplied transformer - same part number, does not fit drilledholes. Drilling an additional hole for primary side allows new trans-former to work. -HQ COMMENTS: I will check with Tokyo and Kansas City Parts to see ifthe part has been changed.
SonyCFD60FOP Part number is not in the system. -HQ COMMENTS: Normally, obvious replacement parts such as an FOP areautomatically registered in the system, however, if the part exists in amanual yet does not show up on the system, then it means that no one hasordered
SonyWMF200IIIPART NUMBER FOR S-305 OMITTED FROM MANUAL Part number missing/retreived from Tokyo.
SonySLV50PART NUMBER FOR CN-553 CONNECTOR CABLE I need the part number for the 5-pin conductor cable thatconnects the RF mod. to the (MA-27) board (CN-553). Would you please faxor call with this info?
SonyKV32CX10ERRATIC CLOCK FUNCTION, SEE S/B 87R1 ADDING CAPACITOR Intermittently clock will speed up. No solution found. FirstIC-101 changed, no effect - second (A) board replaced - third (F)board replaced. AC reference signal was clean. Power line was constantat approximately 118V, even when major appliances were
SonyRMU360NO AUDIO VOLUME CONTROL WITH AVU-360 Clarification is needed to the field on the replacement oforiginal remote controls with the universal programmable models.Servicers are purchasing universal models from parts distributors thatare not entirely compatible out of the box with the customers
SonyAVU360NO AUDIO VOLUME CONTROL WITH AVU-360 Clarification is needed to the field on the replacement oforiginal remote controls with the universal programmable models.Servicers are purchasing universal models from parts distributors thatare not entirely compatible out of the box with the customers
SonyHVL300WNEED REPLACEMENT BULB Page 3 of the service manual shows replacement bulb isXB-300W. Not available from KCP. -HQ COMMENTS: Checked with Tokyo and Marketing. Bulb was never stocked.Have the defective bulb sent to me - I will cross-reference.
SonyCCDF40CAPSTAN MOTOR RUNS TOO FAST 1. When VTR is on, capstan motor runs too fast. 2. Capstanmotor speed changes with supply voltage level.
SonyCCDF30NO COLOR REC/PB MODE No DC voltage at IC-360 - pin 3. There is a short (5 Ohm) be-tween pin 3 of IC-360 and ground.
SonyCCDF70AUTO FOCUS NOT WORKING PROPERLY When auto focus is on and telephoto is used, focus is off alittle.
SonyRMP700ENO AUDIO VOLUME CONTROL WITH AVU-360 Clarification is needed to the field on the replacement oforiginal remote controls with the universal programmable models.Servicers are purchasing universal models from parts distributors thatare not entirely compatible out of the box with the customers

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Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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