Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonyTAAX520MALFUNCTIONING VOLUME CONTROL Volume control operation was erratic. LEDs did not operatesmoothly - audio was choppy. Replaced IC-202 w/ new IC, but when poweredup all but 1 LED was on and volume controls (+ and -) had no effect.
SonyTAAX335PART NUMBER CORRECTION Part number is not listed in Kansas City.
SonyCCDF40NO POWER No power, no LED display and no functions. (Ever 5V) measured1.3VDC. Lift IC-191/2 and +5VDC restored.
SonyCCDF40NO PICTURE IN CAMERA MODE Camera has no picture display.
SonyKV1510HORIZONTAL OSCILLATOR NOT RUNNING Dead set. Minimal current being drawn from regulated powersupply. Vcc present at horizontal output transistor, but horizontaloscillator not running. Externally power horizontal oscillator, and bringset up on variac set works ok.
SonyKV2657RPOOR TUNING ACTION - TUNING DRIFTS AFTER TIME, IC602 Critical tuning and drift after time. Voltages at TP02 andTP03 on the (M) board were very high, about 49V. 33V supply read 43.0V.Q-604 on the (F) board not operating. Measured voltages and found IC-602inoperative ..... open device.
SonyKV1926RWEAK AFT LOCK, REPLACED PRESCALER Weak AFT lock when changing channels. Intermittent and notaffected by heat, cold or vibration. Unit would also detune after playingfor sometime. Data signal at prescaler would change with drift.
SonySTRAV1000INTERMITTENT AUDIO LOSS - INTERMITTENT PROTECT ACTIVATION If protect mode activates, approximately 3 VDC present atoutput of one or both power amps. Intermittent loss of audio, usuallyleft channel. Intermittent activation of protect circuit. These symptomsare independent of each other. Intermittent connecto
SonySTRAV900INTERMITTENT AUDIO LOSS - INTERMITTENT PROTECT ACTIVATION If protect mode activates, approximately 3 VDC present atoutput of one or both power amps. Intermittent loss of audio, usuallyleft channel. Intermittent activation of protect circuit. These symptomsare independent of each other. Intermittent connecto
SonyTCV7CHATTERING SOUND FROM MECHANISM Chattering sound from mechanism, primarily in pause mode.
SonyFD2AD-I BOARD REPLACEMENT DOES NOT MATCH THE SERVICE MANUAL D-1 replacement board does not match the service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: Service Manual Correction has been published.Please refer S/M correction-1.
SonyCCDSP7LITHIUM BATTERY DRAINS TOO FAST Lithium battery drains too fast. Q-203 on (SS-86) board isleaky, pulling down chip select line to IC-203.
SonyKV27HFRNOISE IN PICTURE, AG VIBRATION BY AUDIO, NORMAL With volume up high, noise in picture is present. CRT gridwires are vibrating due to the loud volume. -HQ COMMENTS: With high volume levels this will occur. There is nosolution except to lower volume level or use external speakers away fromthe unit.
SonySTR6X6ESCUSTOMER INSTRUCTIONS FOR RMP-103 I have a servicer who is having trouble programming in a SanyoVCR and a Yamaha CD into the above remote. We have not been able to lo-cate any information on this model. Can you provide a manual and customerinstructions? Also, any information regarding
SonySTR6X7ESCUSTOMER INSTRUCTIONS FOR RMP-103 I have a servicer who is having trouble programming in a SanyoVCR and a Yamaha CD into the above remote. We have not been able to lo-cate any information on this model. Can you provide a manual and customerinstructions? Also, any information regarding

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