Dicas Reparação PANASONIC

Modelo - Chassis

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PanasonicEuro 4Z
DeadThe standby transistor Q951(2SC4004) S/C, it's emitter resistor R954(6R8), D958 (1N4148) S/C, and R975 (270R 1/2W fusible) O/C all in the standby circuit, would go up in a cloud of smoke repeatedly until I... eventually, located the culprit R964 (82R 1/8W) which had risen in value to approximately 260 ohms. It feeds D953 a 12V zener in the feedback circuit.
PanasonicEuro 4 TXW28R4DP
Attempts to start with a burst of EHT but reverts to stbyReplace D558 1SR124-4AT82 S/C use BYD33M & R559 R33 Safety in supply to FOP ic. replaced LOPTr with beefed up one from Pan & resoldered line driver Tx & dry joints in LOPstage.
PanasonicEuro 4 TX32PK2C
No rear surr sound IC2704 TDA2030AV overheated: ok aft replacement
PanasonicEuro 4 TX28PK2
Trips with relay chattering after few minsIn overvolts mode - 150v HT gone high due to R872 dry joint
PanasonicEuro 4 TX21MD4
R/C intQ852 (2SC1383QRS), which was going o/c intermittently. It provides a standby 5 volt supply.
PanasonicEuro 4
Starts up then goes dead straight awayHT feed res R877 o/c - when replaced have peak white raster - D554 200v rect s/c
PanasonicEuro 4
St/by only - if st/by relay overided & A1 increased has "rainbow" effectCheck vert o/p chip & VDP3108BC2 jungle chip
PanasonicEuro 4
PanasonicEuro 4
Cuts out when warm - may return to st/byResolder dry joints on IC801 (STRF6654LF51)
PanasonicEuro 3HWS TXW36D
Loss of sync on chan change - ok on vcr chanIC801 TDA9143-N1
PanasonicEuro 3H
field collapseMod kit TZS8EK003 reqd when replacing field chip IC451 TDA8350Q/N5. Costs 22p - worth >£10!
PanasonicEuro 2S TX29AD2DPB
Burst of eht at switch on then trips off after about 7 secs with frame collapse visible just as it went offIC601 VDP3108APPA1 jungle IC (42.22UKP)
PanasonicEuro 2S TX29AD2DPB
Blank greenish raster with lines at top lh side - sound okIC601 VDP3108APPA1 jungle IC (42.22UKP)
PanasonicEuro 2M TX25MD3
St/by only/ whistle on sound when fixedQ1212 BC847B blasted - when replaced set ok apart from whistle on sound caused by audio proc chip
PanasonicEuro 2M
No sound (relay clicked a few times before set switched on).Resolder xtal. X2101 beside audio processor chip IC 2101.

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