Dicas Reparação PANASONIC

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: PANASONIC Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 2640
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PanasonicEuro 2 TX21MD1
No signalsdry joints tuner
PanasonicEuro 2
yellow smearingVDP3108-25 col proc chip IC601
PanasonicEuro 2
Txt missing - displays "P100" & "TEXT****"C3508 0µ047 o/c sm cap video feed to Txt proc chip IC3502
PanasonicEuro 2
Txt characters have parts missingVDP3108A vid proc chip faulty
PanasonicEuro 2
Tripping slowly - ok when plug W7002 dis'd on audio panelAudio psu dead - R7000 150k & R7005 180k o/c - The I2C bus was being dragged down by the inactive chips on the audio panel
PanasonicEuro 2
Tripping - due to field collapseReplace Field chip & sm tfmr faulty/dry joints
PanasonicEuro 2
St/by only - initial burst of EHTIC1203 EAROM
PanasonicEuro 2
St/by onlyWhen IC1203 EAROM chips pins 4 & 5 (Clock & data) desoldered pic came on but dark. Try replacing chip X24C016P-P1 or R558 in beam lim cct o/c
PanasonicEuro 2
St/by mode difficult to enter/leaveSticking relay contacts RL610, clean or replace pt no TSE10818
PanasonicEuro 2
snowy signalsC111 0.068µ leaky
PanasonicEuro 2
Snowy pic with smeary red & white - Txt OKSame via scart - Dig proc chip VDP3108-29 faulty. Pan supply improved type along with sm caps, EEPROM & instructs
PanasonicEuro 2
Servicing The Panasonic Euro-2 ChassisSee TV Mag Jun 1999
PanasonicEuro 2
Self check modeTo enter this Press the "STATUS" key on the remote at the same time as pressing the "PROGRAMME DOWN" button on the TV. Beware as this procedure will erase all previously stored channels & the set will need retuning.
PanasonicEuro 2
Relay pulsing once per secWhen over-ridden HT very low - C637 2n2 polyester cap pin 2 I611
PanasonicEuro 2
Ragged verts & pic breakupIC601 dig vid proc chip VDP3108APPA1

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Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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