Dicas Reparação SANYO

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SANYO Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 689
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SanyoEC3A25 CB5956
Dead with LED flashing dimlyHT at 57v, dry joint on black wire to side of chopper Trfmr
SanyoEC3 CB5156
when switched on from stby, the set immediately reverts back to stbyin protection mode (pin 31 IC701 below 5V) due to R327 390k o/c
SanyoEC3 CB5156
drifts off tunereplace C105 1uF 50V near tuner
SanyoEC3 CB5153
deadQ432 2SD1651 s/c
SanyoEC2 CB1443
colours wrong or in wrong order (red is yellow,green is red, blue is green)IC270 TDA4662
Shut down aft 3 secsPlug for R/C sensor had not been fitted
SanyoEB6-A28 CE28WN4-B-01
Service mode accessPush green fastext key while pushing prog down key on front of set. To adjust geometry make sure pic size is set to "Full" before starting, select "Wide" under options & select parameter using prog + & - adj with vol + & - and switch off to store. Mod kit available from SEME for this fault
SanyoEB6 A28
Service mode enteringpress green txt on R/C + hold chan- button on front of tv then in normal mode press prog- button on R/C until field coll. Th n adjust with 1=+,2=- keys red; 4+=.5+- key green;7=+.8+- key blue
Pic flashes & Txt appears on its own aft 20 minsSAA5296ZP micro - CHS £31 with suffix 036 not 025
Dead - no HTcheck R620/R621 both 120k
SanyoEB2A CB5949
Int trips at sw on - other times okDry joint black jumper wire from chopper trfmr to IC351 vicinity
SanyoEB2 CB5959
stuck in stbyC442 s/c
st/by only after brief EHT crackle5 & 12v regs being turned off by pin 7 of µ. When lifted line stage works with field coll. No frame pulses from DPU2553 µprocessor - chip u/s
St/by only aft brief EHT rustleNo 5 or 12v supplies due to st/by command pin 7 µ; when dis'd pic came up with field coll. Replacing fop chip no diff - DPU2553 chip u/s
Reverts to st/by aft 5 secs - if on/off sw held in, steps thro chans with good pic Pin 15 IC701 micro held low due to Q341 2SC536 (ht sensing) leaky

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