Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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TIME INDICATOR NOT WORKING, ONLY COLOR MARKER Only color marks on indicator tube are illuminated. Checkingvoltages, found pin 14 of IC401 to be 13V. Checked resistance across D401and reading was zero ohm. Further resistance checks found C401 shorted.
PART NUMBER FOR MIC CABLE The elusive mic cable P/N is now known, and are on order fromJapan. -HQ COMMENTS: This P/N was given to us last year, but was unavailable atthat time. We have confirmed with Tokyo that this part is now available.Ten pieces will be sent to our departmen
NO TUNER, NO CHANNEL DISPLAY All functions ok, except for the tuner being inoperative andno channel display. Unit stuck in line mode.
VIEWFINDER CRT The original viewfinder is using a CRT made by NEC with gener-ic number on tube C1M40P45. The replacement tube part no. 1-546-061-11 aslisted in service manual is made by Matsushita gen. no. M01JPG5WB (Seeillustration): The tube in fig. 1 uses board no
VERTICAL SMEAR FROM BRIGHT OBJECT Have had two units come in for severe vertical smear frombright object. When camera is rotated, smear remains vertical. Foundsmear caused by DT61.
POOR VERTICAL, REPLACE R-1503 AND ADJ RV-505 Unit had poor vertical interface, very noticeable about 5 in-ches down from the top of screen. Waveform at pin 2, IC-1501 displayeddistortion. Found R-1503 to be open. Replacement did not cure problembut I also had to readjust RV-505, vertical bias.
INTERMITTENT BRIGHTNESS SHIFT, REPLACE RV-707 SUB BRT Complaint was intermittent shift 17 brightness level. Al-though the sub-brightness control checked ok, replacement eliminated thecomplaint. This the third set of this type that I have had this problemwith this control. Sometimes spraying coolant on th
PART NUMBER INCORRECT IN SERVICE MANUAL The part numbers listed above are in XR-55 service manual ascorrect P/Ns for switches in this unit. Servicers called and statedswitches were different than what was in the unit.
NO OUTPUT No output. Found Q307 shorted B-C (factory sub.).
INTERMITTENT STARTING AND POOR TRACKING There is very dirty eyepattern. The servo PC board is dis-connected from chassis ground, the mounting screw is slightly loose.
P/N WRONG FOR AUTO FOCUS MOTOR Ordered auto focus motor, but part received is physicallydifferent. -HQ COMMENTS: Correct P/N is 1-541-536-01. A service bulletin will beissued with additional corrections as well.
FILTER CAPACITOR PART NUMBER No part number. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 1-125-430-11. The same capacitor isfound in the s/m STR-AV880.
DURING PLAYBACK, PRESSING INDEX MARK/CAUSES DISTORTED VIDEO CTL pulse was incorrect during index mark process causing unitto go out of servo lock momentarily. (Multiple short CTL pulses).
FAILURE OF IC-401 No play or record on tape B.
DISC WILL NOT LOAD Will not load disc. Main CPU inhibitted. No serial clock in-put to pin 21 from RM-X2 (Remote Commander System). S. Clock was lost onbase of Q523: (Wave form showing differentiation of S. clock pulse).Found that board was missing R541.

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