Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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BAD CAPACITOR - C303 Main power switch would work but system power switch didnothing. Manually resetting uP IC301 would power unit up. Furthertroubleshooting found an open capacitor on the reset line.
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF SOUND AND VIDEO Intermittent loss of sound and video. The bracket that theB board is mounted on has a small section which contacts the transistor,Q2030. The emitter and base lead are shorted together causing thisproblem.
INTERMITTENT SKIPPING I found that it would require a higher DC voltage to drivesled motor at or around the first track.
PICTURE BREAK-UP DURING TRANSITION FROM LINE-IN TO TUNER-IN Problem occurs when connecting two different sources, one tovideo input, the other to the RF input. During recording the input selectswitch is switched, between video and tuner input. During PB, some unitsdisplay a loss of sync during transition betwee
X303 REPLACEMENT PART Need P/N for X303 on SS-64 board, 4mHz crystal. Replacementpart physically too large. -HQ COMMENTS: Replacement part is physically different, but does fitin holes in PC board. Checking stock for misorder or mixed stock.
MICRO SCAN INPUT DISCONNECTED No preset memory, no time set.
NO CHARGE INDICATION Battery won't charge. Charge LED off. Main PCB differentfrom service manual. Part # of board was 1-620-939-11, photo on Page 23of service manual shows 1-618-075-12. Found R603, R602 were wountedaway from circuit pattern.
INTERMITTENT LIFTER OPERATION Tonearm would go to correct drop-point, but lifter would notdrop. Touching the tonearm would cause lifter to operate.
SPEAKER PROTECTION ENGAGES AT APPROX. MID VOLUME LEVEL The speaker protection engages at about mid volume level. Wefound the problem to be caused by excessive voltage on the output IC. TheB+ at Pin 14 measured 48V and B- at Pin 12 was -47. The voltage on thesecondary to be 71VAC. By reducing the input AC
EXCESSIVE VOLUME AT LOW SETTINGS - AV POWER ONLY With AC power there is excessive volume on low settings.Battery operation OK. Problem was excessive voltage on the 13.6V line.This line powers the output IC and when using AC power reads 39V. Checkedthe transformer output and found the red secondary le
PHONE INTERMITTENTLY LOSES POWER Unit intermittently loses power during TALK mode. Unit locksonto line and will not hang up till power is removed. Problem appears tobe bad contact on battery in hand unit due to weak battery springs.
COMPATIBILITY WITH CURRENT BETAMAX MODELS Are there any current Betamax units which are compatiblewith AG-500? -HQ COMMENTS No, only the SL-2700, -2710 and -2410 are compatible.
WON'T TUNE UPPER HALF OF FM BAND Won't tune in upper half of FM stations. 87.9 to 97.9 MHzrange - all normal. Stations above 97.9 are found to be 0.2MHz lower thanthe station frequency.
NEED GUIDE LOCATED IN CASSETTE LIFT ASS'Y Refer to page 8-2 of service manual. Please inform P/N forguide located below the right side of holder ass'y, cassette. -HQ COMMENTS: P/N is 3-655-232-00. KCP shows no stock but will orderfrom Tokyo after receiving your order.
SHUT DOWN Unit would shut down upon turn on. Brought up set with lowvoltage, found shut down being activated at horizontal osc. Found R1531was not a resistor but a capacitor. This set never worked. Capacitorwas installed at the factory by mistake.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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