Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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ERROR IN SCHEMATIC AND/OR BLOCK DIAGRAM In blk diagram (Page 25-26) AMS IC is declared as IC103.Schematic (Page 69) calls it IC303 and then IC353 on chip block itself.Both IC303 and IC353 are listed in parts list. What is correct P/N?
SLIGHT HORIZONTAL JITTER IN TOP OF PICTURE Unit displayed slight jitter in top of picture when playingpre-recorded tapes. Self record OK. Slowing down head drum with fingerimproved picture. Drum free run adj. had no effect on jitter. Replacingupper drum had no effect.
RADIO INTERFERENCE, SEE SB CTV0288R Picture remains free of interference but sound is picking upthe transmission. Even with unit turned off, sound is still there.Customer has an amateur radio station.
CRT CRACKED, REPLACE D-505 AND CRT CRT with neck cracked inside the yoke area. Prior to connect-ing the chassis to new CRT, the set was operated OK on the bench jig. HVmeasured 24KV. In second set, anode voltage measured 28 to 29KV. Picturedisplayed severe pin cushion distortion. Fou
KCP PARTS Due to design of 27 consoles, controls mounted on bezel.This necessitates pulling cabinets. My suggestion: make jig available tosubstitute controls saving labor to pull unit. -HQ COMMENTS: CRT jig is available now. Please contact Telematic (718-271-52
INCORRECT REF. # - PAGE 26; REF. #60 Ref. number wrong. Page 26 (Ref. #60) is showing a cable(with connector). The cable (with connector) is Ref. #751-555-488-00. -HQ COMMENTS: We will issue a service bulletin.
NO VIEWFINDER CHARACTERS DISPLAY This unit had no character display in the viewfinder. Thecharacter generator IC was found to be defective. The on tape characterswere OK.
DEAD, REPLACE R-555, D-557 AND CRT The neck of the tube in this unit and a continuous arcing.This was the probable cause of the shorting of D557 and the opening ofR555.
MANUAL CORRECTION, CRT P/N 8736-853-05 Part number in manual does not exist according to Kansas City,part number listed is 8-736-853-01. Should have been 8-736-853-05.This is a CRT, Ref # V901 listed on Page 31. -HQ COMMENTS: We sent information to Japan, will issue a S/B about this.
ONE CHANNEL OUT ON TAPE FUNCTION One channel had no output in one direction.
SERVO CIRCUITS DEAD Three units with same problem in SSC. You could load tape inand it would thread up but unit would do nothing else after this otherthan turn on/off.
BLOWING INVERTER TRANSISTORS IN PP SUPPLY Set had been blowing out Q903/904 every couple of months.
LOOSE RADIO OUTPUT Unit would come on cold and radio functions were fine. Afterapprox one hour, unit would loose all sound in radio modes and had nosignal strength indication. Display was OK.
PIC TOO WHITE, Q803 FAILURE Original problem was tube had shorted in neck also spark gaphad shorted. After replacing these servicer had picture back but whiteswere to white and gave on defenition.
NO ON-SCREEN DISPLAY At turn on set had display, but after a few min., displaywould go out. I had all correct inputs to display IC104 but no outputsafter warm up.

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