Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NO DISPLAY OR OUTPUT No display or output. All power supply voltages appearnormal.
INTERMITTENT NO REVERSE PLAY This unit would intermittently attempt to go into reverseplay when reverse play button was pushed, but would then go into forwardplay. This would happen about every 4 attempts at reverse play. Found#360 missing.
POSSIBLE MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CIRCUITRY Picture brightness varies with program content/material(random intermittently). Maybe weak sync tips/levels (only on cablechannel 25 scrambled cable channel), request permission to modifycircuitry only if advised by engineering. Also magenta bar on the
NOISE BAR IN LOW BAND Unit had buzz in sound and a horizontal bar floating throughpicture. Traced problem to -20 volt line, very high ripple. Thisvoltage is used in the band select. Only channels 2-6 were affected,high band okay.
CENTERING CAP BREAKING The centering cap and compression spring in the middle of discturntable fall out of place. The symptom is either the disc tray will notmove or the disc will not spin. The problem is the plastic legs that aresupposed to provide spring tension to hold th
DISTORTED AUDIO Unit played but with sparse static in audio. Initiallysuspected switching IC (IC302) but scope showed spikes all the way back toIC701 (CLV). All CLV and processing working OK, so last suspect IC wasRAM.
REEL DRIVE FLYWHEEL BEARING Servicer experienced several SL-HFR30 all sold by'same dealer, with reel drive torque problems. Flywheel was not turningfreely in bearing.
SHUTDOWN Thermistor installed instead of 2.2 ohm resistor, causesshutdown and various problems.
WHISTLE IN SOUND, UHF CHANNELS ONLY, REPLACED PLL CIRCUIT Whistle in sound, UHF channels only. This was accompanied bya mild venetian blind effect in the picture.
AUDIO DISTORTION IN RIGHT CHANNEL Static thru R. ch. Best heard when playing a blank tape.
NO PLAY Unit would spin up at turn on but would not play disc. Uponstarting unit with no disc spindle motor would spin up but would alsosurge at rate related to focus search. All pins on IC502 and IC503 lookednormal except for Pin 10 (SP). Batt indicator was
SOUND BUZZ, NO COLOR - REPLACE Q008 & IC203 Unit had buzz and loss of color. Found Q008 shorted, thisrestored the color and also switched the 4.5MC audio line whereby I hadaudio with buzz. Replaced IC203 and this restored full audio with nobuzz. Set OK. Difficult problem to resolve due to the
UNIT SCRATCHES COMPACT DISC WHILE PLAYING One of three supporting pins does not go down intermittently,when disc is in for play. Also rubbing the disc gently while playing.It does not affect any playing disc. Ten of customers new discs haveround scratches in the middle of circumference. Event
P/N FOR 16 CONDUCTOR CABLE FROM JG-2 TO CH-38 BOARD Refering to Page 167 of S/M, we need the 16 pin cable fromthe JG-2 board to the CH-38 board. Please advise. -HQ COMMENTS: The cable is not available as a replacement part. I will,however, send you a cable from another unit. In the future, please hard
NO PART # FOR CABLE Need part # for cable - page 17. -HQ COMMENTS: This part is not presently available. We will check withTokyo and inform you of availability.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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