Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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SOUND FADED OUT Sound faded out while listening to the problem. TV audiowas weak and had excessive treble, line audio checked OK. Signal aroundIC205 Pin 25 was good, Pin 23 good, Pin 27 good, Pin 26 bad. Bypassedcap with tweezers and audio level came up to normal.
VIDEO HEAD REPLACEMENT Repetitive head clogging.
UNIT DEAD - NO OPERATION A technician replaced the system control circuit but the unitis still dead. Noticed the switch (S807) was in FF position. Put theswitch back to the stop position and applied power to the unit. Theswitch went to FF position again.
THE PB HEAD DOES NOT STAY IN PB POSITION In PB mode, the PB head goes up and down three times and goesback to stop position.
AUDIO VERY LOW The audio is very low even with maximum volume. When themuting circuit unit is disengaged, the audio level is normal.
MOTOR TOO FAST AND NO AUDIO The motor runs too fast and there was no audio in PB mode.There was no B+ (6V) applied to IC601.
MISSING PART # We need the bezel assy for KV-25XBR in black which usesa slightly darker bezel than the one for beige or plum.Is there a different part? -HQ COMMENTS: KV-25XBR is marketed in only one bezel gray shade version.But in practice it may vary within the produ
DISC OVERRUN In service mode, the disc motor turns very fast.
PIN CUSHION DISTORTION, REPLACED Q856 Set displayed severe pincushion distortion. Inspection ofthis transistor revealed E to B region was open.
SNOWY PLAYBACK PICTURE Snow on picture, missing one RF envelope (defective drum).
NO VIDEO DUE TO BROKEN 24 PIN CONNECTOR Inoperative loss of video on VHF out. Video out OK.
NO SOUND FROM TAPE PLAYER AM/FM works fine, but no sound from cassette player.
UNIT SHUTS DOWN AFTER A FEW SECONDS Unit shuts down a few seconds after PLAY button is depressed.
INTERMITTENT AUDIO POP Dealer has reported that four units in stock have the follow-ing problems: During PAUSE/EDIT, unit give an audio pop intermittently. -HQ COMMENTS: If a pop noise is heard in Hi-Fi playback, add a 4.7uFelectrolytic capacitor across R510 on the AF-9 boar
NEW GUIDE PINS ARE HITTING CASSETTE LID WHILE LOADING New guide pins are hitting cassette lid while loading result-ing in noisy operation. -HQ COMMENTS: You must use the part number in the S/M for the guide #1and #2. The pin kit A-6759-107-A cannot be used in this model. Part # needed: X-3669-429-0

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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