Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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ERRATIC DISPLAY AND CONTROL OPERATION From a cold start up unit would have no display and all func-tion LEDs would be lit. After several mins. of being on, display wouldlight, function LEDs would go out and unit would work and not act up.
INTERMITTENT PROBLEM OF READING TOC Unit, intermittently, would not read TOC. Disc motor spinswide open then stops. At other times unit would perform with no problems.
BEND AT TOP OF PICTURE Bending at the top of the picture. The bending changes wheneither the brightness or picture adjustments are performed. Things thathave been tried so far but have not fixed the problem: C532, C534, C547,C548, C229 and PCT T503. -HQ COMMENTS: Disable t
COLOR BLEEDING, REPLACED R-537 Picture seems dull, dark and color bleeding. Also seems likea weak CRT.
MISPRINT ON SCHEMATIC This unit has a very weak audio. Upon troubleshooting theunit I found out that RV-005, R057 and C061 are not on the schematic. -HQ COMMENTS: We will publish correction on this.
INTERMITTENT PINCUSHION Intermittent pincushion, changes every half an hour.
INTERMITTENT SOUND, REPLACED NEOP LAMP Numerous complaints of intermittent sound on models using neonlamps for channel indicators. On this and some other models using thesame circuit for sound mute during channel change, I noticed that bymonitoring the B+ supply line to the neon lamps and th
UNIT WILL NOT GO INTO PLAY MODE Unit would load, thread tape, FF/RW, but the pinch solenoidwould engage, therefore I had no PB mode. When I checked to see if thecam switch was open by connecting my ohm meter across it while I pressedplay, the unit worked. This was due to the cam SW c
NO PART NUMBER FOR FU-21 BOARD Need part number for FU-21 board complete. -HQ COMMENTS: Complete part number for the FU-21 board is A-6716-351-A.Part numbers assocated with the board can be found in the S/M correction# 3 P/N 9-972-316-93.
NEW FS-27 BOARD The new PC board is different than the old board for themounting of the auto SW S001. The old board has eight mounting holes ina row. The new board for the mounting of the auto SW S001 has twovertical rows of six holes each. How does the auto SW S001
TAPE SPILLING In the playback mode the take-up reel was not taking the tapeand the tape was spilling out at the pinch roller. The cassette waslocked in the cassette compartment.
DARK PICTURE, REPLACED C-556 R557 opens up within seconds (because of shorted C-556).
NO OUTPUT Q601 overheating. Collector of Q601 2Vp-p of A.C. ripple.
DEFECTIVE UPC Unit only plays track 16 of disc.
VIDEO HEADS TOO TIGHT In order to remove the head for replacement, one must usemuch force as the mechanical fit is too tight. The servicer has had twoin the last 2 months. One new head was defective and the Parts Dept. didnot want to exchange it as it was all scratched up.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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