Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NO RECORD This unit came in with no record function. REC LED did notlight up because Pin 35 of IC601 stayed low in REC mode. Since this unitis old type, I ordered IC601 with the part #8-755-640-71. However the ICI received from NPC was a new type CX-564-072.
DRIFTING RF SWITCHING POSITION This unit shows the same problem as SL-2300/2400 series. RFswitching in picture of T/N #B0060 modifies to correct the problem in2300/2400 series. Do we have a similar solution for SL-HF300? Drum drivecircuit Q15-Q20 in SL-HF300 appears to be very simi
RINGING ON LEFT SIDE OF SCREEN Ringing on left side of screen.
VERTICAL JITTER ONLY ON CH 10 OFF THE AIR Vertical jitter. Only on ch. 10 off the air. Worked normalon cable. Transmitter was approx. 10 miles from dealer.
AC ADAPTER NO LONGER AVAILABLE Customer purchased HVC-1000, AC adapter, CMA-100. Video is OKbut audio was distorted. 800 # suggested him to purchase HVA-220.
NO TAPE TRANSPORT OR INT TAPE TRANSPORT No tape transport or int. tape transport.
PART NUMBER MISSING When ordering tape counter for TC-K60, Service Manual showspulley attached to the counter, however when received the pulley is notwith counter.
C709 ON "C" BOARD REVERSED In troubleshooting routine, I noted that C709 polarityindication on the PC board is reversed, likewise on the service manual.The positive element is shown going to GND. This is incorrect. -HQ COMMENTS: We will publish correction on this.
REV PLAY PROBLEM When in reverse play the forward reel would be engaged andturning against reverse reel, therefore tape did not move.
UNIT WOULD NOT DROP DISC INTO PLAY POSITION Unit would take in disc but would not drop disc into PLAYposition, the disc would then be ejected. This problem would occur onlyabout 50% of the time.
INTERMITTENT SHUT OFF, COLD SOLDER ON C-1182 Power relay would intermittently begin to chatter and setwould lose raster and audio. The 18.9 volt line would drop to approx.14 volts when this happens. Found one leg of filter C1182 had a coldsolder connection.
ECCENTRIC LOADING GEAR Loading gear was slightly eccentric which cause the module todrag when loading.
NO FUNCTION CONTROL No function control and erratic display.
POOR COLOR LOW BRIGHTNESS, REPLACED C801 Picture looks like gray scale off, as with bad picture tube.Screen voltage to C board reads 700V, should be 900V. B+ to C board reads117V, should be 178V. Brightness control will not turn brightness downall the way.
SPEED WAY TOO FAST (INTERMITTENT) The speed in play would intermittently increase drastically.Flexing the main board in the servo area would cause the problem to comeand go.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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