Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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INTERMITTENT TRANSPORT FUNCTIONS All functions of transport keys would work most of the timewhen I stood unit on end to attempt repair. When unit was layed flat onbench no keys worked.
SERVICE BULLETIN #193 Upon performing S/B #193, I ran into a problem with the mount-ing screws being too short due to missing countersinks on the new rack.
NO P/N FOR THE CLOCK AND TIMER BUTTON DOOR The front assembly does not show any part # for the clock andtimer button door, which means that we have to replace whole front assythat is very expensive (about $67.00) while the door is a lot less. -HQ COMMENTS: RPC does not stock the door. The reaso
PART # FOR CABLE BETWEEN ANT TERMINAL TO HIT TERMINAL The part #1-536-836-11 does not come with the VHF/UHF inputcable. What is the part # for cable that goes from the ant term board tothe hit terminal? -HQ COMMENTS: The cable in question (from ant terminal to hit terminal)is actually listed in S/M, Page
NO CHANGE OF DIRECTIONS Unit will not change directions. Lock lever will not moveenough to catch and lock in reverse position. Lever appears to be tootight on post or some projection on chassis or lever is inhibiting move-ment so that lever does not move far enough to lock, m
HINGE FOR THE DUST COVER A customer requested the hinge for the dust cover. Since thehinge itself is not available he ordered the dust cover assy which shouldinclude two hinges. But the assy from NPC did not include them. -HQ COMMENTS: Checked with NPC and found the dust cove
VARIOUS FUNCTIONS WOULD NOT OPERATE Three units with similar symptoms. Various functions wouldnot operate when buttons pushed on the Betamax. Different loss of func-tions on each unit but with all three, no remote control commands.
INTERMITTENT SPEED/WOW AND FLUTTER Tape speeds up and slows down intmtly, while pressing on servobd (main). It will go back to normal speed temporarily. This has been aconstant problem and was usually cured by replacing the main PCB. I foundR904 was not making contact where it is solde
LT CH AUDIO NOISE This customer had left ch audio distortion or noise on tapeplayback.
AM RFI PROBLEM ON LEFT CHANNEL This customer complained of left channel Beta Hi-Fi noise.The noise was from AM station at 1470 KHz.
PICTURE COLLAPSES VERTICALLY WHEN IN BETASCAN When SL-30 is connected to GE 19, mod #17AC3642W setcollapses vertically when in Beta scan. This does not happen with SL-5400or 5600. Tried another SL-30 with same results.
TAPE JAM This unit had a tape jam. The tape was on the back side ofthe #7 guide.
PROJECTION TV VIDEO SCREEN CLEANER When applied, the video screen cleaner left streaks on thescreen which could not be removed. Also burnt and irritated his hands.
DARK PICTURE, REPLACED CRT, R-557, AND C-556 Servicer has had 3 sets (one KV-1361, two KV-1357Rpicture tubes. Both sets had open componets R-557, and C-556.Servicer replaced both R-557 and C-556, but they both opened up within afew seconds. Servicer removed socket board from tube and measured the
DISC TABLE MOTOR ROTATION Disc table motor turns backwards at high speed at turn on.Circuit checked okay back to IC401. Found no RFCK 1/4 pin 23. CheckedRFCK output from IC503. No RFCK there either. Found no clock at pins 15and 16. Crystal X501 defective.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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