Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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INTERMITTENT JITTER IN PICTURE, REPLACED R235 This set had a history of intermittent pulling in the pictureand also vertical jitter. Inspection of waveform at output of videodetector was fine. The waveform at base of video amplifier (Q202) wasexactly like the waveform at its emitter, i.e. no ampli
NO TUNING FUNCTION, JUMPER JW1 NOT CONNECTED No tuning. No fluorescent display of channel, tuner appearsdead.
SNOWY PICTURE, REPLACED IC005 No output was present from Pin 20/IC005 (PWM out for VC).We further discerned that the prescaler was also malfunctioning.
PICTURE DISTORTION, SHIELD WIRE CONNECTION CHANGED Vertical instability on channel 4 only. Also loss of verticalsync, deflection and excessive noise only on channel 4. This symptom hasonly appeared in Southern Connecticut.
INTERMITTENT MECHANICAL INCORRECT OPERATION Dealer informed me the doors on KV-3000 would sometimes notclose, this was very intermittent. Changed resistor R606 from 180K to120K. Dealer will inform me if the problem happens again (resistor onMG-2 board).
NO TUNING OPERATION, SHORTED CP004 Would lock up on one channel also unable to tune stationproperly. Found one of the 220pF capacitors in CP004 shorted placing 24volts on the line of the VC as well as the channel select line. There areno P/N's in the manual for CP001/002/003/004 on the
BEAT PATTERN IN THE PICTURE, REPLACE VHF TUNER Beat pattern on all channels. Disconnected VC and applied DCvoltage. Found it only took 0.01 volts to go from a fair picture to onewith beat pattern.
NO SCREEN DISPLAY, OPEN Q4049 AND SHORTED D4046 Bar pattern would not operate on any function. Found 9VDCmissing on output of 9VDC regulator. Found transistor, Q4049 opened andD4046 shorted.
TOO MUCH RED INTENSITY, ADJ ACC RV303 Excessive color intensity - too much RED.
OVERHEAT, LEAKY D012 CAUSING R123 OPEN R123 overheats and eventually open.
SHUT DOWN, REPLACED IC032 Set would turn off when channel 3 was selected. Found signaldistorted out of microprocessor when 3 was pressed.
NO LOCK CHANNEL AND VOLUME, OPEN C001 ON M2 BOARD Set would change channels on its own. Also sound would go upon its own. Found C001 on M2 board opened.
NO PICTURE, REPLACED Q401 Picture blanked out, sound OK. Found Q401 to be leaky.
DEAD, REPLACED D1206, Q652, AND Q1343 Intermittent failure of Q652 on GA board caused by shortedfactory added zener diode (D1206/RD15EB3) on the K Audio Board at the 12Vline. It also finally destroyed the 12V regulator Q1343 on the BD board.
NO TUNING OPERATION The channels would not tune in on this unit. Also the channelindicator lamps would occasionally all turn on. We found IC135/Lamp Driveto be defective.

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