Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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GREEN SCREEN, HVR Green screen.
NO DISPLAY, REPLACE ZENER D2003 AND Q2007 Original complaint was display out. Found channel displayonly partially lit during channel change, and sound up would cause pix upto change at the same time. Also, channel up or down would cause sound tomute. Traced sound problem to IC2001, Pin 10 - P
INCORRECT SOUND MUTE, REPLACE IC001 Sound would intermittently go off and if you changed channels,the sound would come back on. Problem was being caused by the mutefunction of IC001.
NO OPERATION EXCEPT POWER, LEAKY D010 Unit would not respond to hand unit other than to turn uniton. After set was turned on, no other remote function would work.Voltages at Pins 24/25 of IC001 on ME board too high.
SHUT DOWN, REPLACED CX-557S AND ADJ R563 Set would work OK for hours then shut down.
PURPLE COLOR Purple color shows up on and off. Problem is intermittent.I saw this problem more than 3 times in newer model. CRT pins do not makegood contact in socket of C board.
RETRACE LINES ON THE SCREEN Vertical retrace lines were seen on the top of the picture onchannel 2 and 4.
INTERMITTENT SHUT OFF Unit came in with complaint of goes off intmtly and blowsR232 fusible resisotr. Servicer changed Q205, Q206, C238, R212, R246.After all components changed unit went out again and in further investiga-tion, found R231 had 330 ohm instead of 10K as schema
BLOCHES IN PIX AND UNSTABLE, CHANGED VALUE OF R555 TO 82K Screen has oval blotches with no info and will increase insize with signal received. Originally had 100kohm res. installed, aftercomparing with a KV-1547R with a 30P chassis we noticed it had an 82kohm.
BLACK BAR ON THE SCREEN Black bar, about 3/4 inch wide on left side of screen. Blackbar would start bottom left corner and extend diagonally to top. Byhitting front of pix tube I was able to shift bar from left to right, incheach way.
DOORS DO NOT STAY CLOSED The TABS on the front door that fit into the spring loadedlatch on the mask are not long enough nor are they notched. The doors donot stay closed but rather flop open. The tabs on units whose doors stayclosed are longer and are notched on the right han
CONVERGENCE DISTORTION, REPLACED IC-5505 Unable to correct severe keystone error of red and bluepattern. Red was more severe. Waveform at base of Q5510 and Q5517 wasdistorted, namely the right portion of vertical deflection was missing.This distortion was traced back to output of IC5505.
INTERMITTENT MECHANICAL OPERATION, REPLACED IC6502 N S953 Intmt operation of the mirror assy which was not related tothe load on the motor/mechanism. The tubes were lubricated and movedfreely, mirror was removed. Actually the voltage to the motor droppedfrom normal 25V close to 0V and the motor would coast to
NO CHANNEL LOCK, INCORREC IC001 This unit would not skip channels or operate on UHF onchannels 83, 84, 85. The tuner switched back to VHF-low operations.We found the incorrect uPC installed. It was uPD553C-056.
NOISE LINES ON THE SCREEN This unit produced a drive line at the left side of thescreen on all three tubes. This was also radiated to any nearby sets.The problem appeared to be located on the board. However we found thedrive line to be caused by a noisy stopper diode - D5313.

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