Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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PICTURE DISTORTION This unit had bright bars at the left and right hand side -about 1 wide. The balance of the picture was close to normal althoughlacking detail. We found C532 to have opened up. This filters the B+ tothe video outputs.
MECHANICAL MIS-OPERATION, LUBRICATED PISTON ARMS Mirror would jam in either the inward or outward movement ofthe mirror. There was a hue shift in the center of the screen.
CHANNEL DRIFT OFF STATION, REPLACED LEAKY C209 After about 10 minutes, channel would drift off station.Found C209 had resistance.
BLANKING DISPLAY, REPLACED R472, SM ERROR R472 LABELED R453 Unit displayed blanking problem. 2 wide bar on the left sideof the CRT. I could find no problem except base of Q401 was -1V (printcalls +0.3). I found R472 missing.
NO PICTURE CONTROL, REPLACED IC1302 1) RGB lines in the picture, red shaded area on the left sideof the screen which would change to green with the hue control. 2) Nocontrol of picture, volume control would cause picture to vary and at aset point on the volume setting the picture control
SHUT DOWN, REPLACED FLYBACK Unit would shut down every one or two minutes after 2 hourswarm up. I could not find anything wrong, but read FDRs and noticedflyback could be cause.
SHUTDOWN, REPLACED H STAT BLOCK H. V. shut down activates intermittently.
DEAD No picture or sound when power was turned on. This symptomoccurred when unit was cold or after setting for several hours.
DEAD, REPLACED IC001 Set would turn on but no function could be activated. If youpush for example ch. up it would immediately change 2 or 3 channels thenwould come back to the ch. It was on just before last turn off.
MISSING R602 Servicer found R602 missing from board. Looked like it wasnever soldered, as the holes were clean.
INTERMITTENT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED H STAT CONTROL UNIT Occasional slight arcing could be heard and set would inter-mittently go into high voltage shut down condition. Inspection of H-statcontrol unit showed cracks in the plastic housing around the bottom cornerwhere one of the ground leads exists the unit.
RETRACE LINES ON THE SCREEN, REPLACE IC502 Set had 6 or 7 retrace lines at top of the screen. I foundthat by cooling IC502 the lines disappeared.
INTERMITTENT CHANNEL CHANGE BY ITSELF, Q007 Intermittently self initiates rapid channel changing.
BEAT INTERFERENCE, NORMAL Beat interference visible on the screen during low VHF bandoperation. The beat pattern is composed of individual dots such as onewould see from digital interference. It only shows up on a weak rabbitear signal. It is the second harmonic of the power s
INTERMITTENT HORIZ. WHISTLE This unit had a very intermittent horiz. whistle. We foundT502 to be vibrating.

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