Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NO PICTURE, REPLACED Q004 This unit intermittently looses VC voltage. We found Q004thermally intermittent.
PARTS COMPATIBILITY, DAMPER DIODE The parts list show D510, D509 as being a GH3F (Damper Diode).This diode will only last a minute or two, before shorting. The originaldiode we removed does not resemble a GH3F. I feel there is an error withthe parts list. We can put in a regular recti
CHANNEL NOT LOCK After 15 minutes, set would go into random timed sound muteand AFT drift in short spurts. Trouble would only show itself whileconnected to cable system in customer's home (Ch. 3) and would not show inservice shop. It was later discovered that Ch. 2 is
DEAD, REPLACED D007 AND R123 Unit would not turn on. Found D007 shorted and R123 open.
DEAD, REPLACED IC1 ON THE "N" BOARD Set was dead after a thunder storm. Remote did not work.Relay did not activate when power button was pushed.
INCORRECT TUNING OPERATION An attempt is made to program a channel button. Althoughreception is OK, there was no memory and once another button is selectedall buttons have lost their program.
INCORRECT TUNING OPERATION On this set, complaint was that Ch. 5 was hard to tune in andhad a horiz. bar traveling up in pix. Inspection revealed that horiz. barwas present on all channels, more noticeable with weak signal. Furthertests showed that -11V supply was only -3VDC. D
INCORRECT TUNING OPERATION When turning this unit on it would take 3 to 4 seconds beforeit would select the last channel. Then the set displayed a variety ofproblems, the picture had what looked like 60Hz ripple in it with lack ofcolor sync. You could select different channels,
NO PICTURE This unit had excessive hum and low B+. It was evident thateither the main filter was bad or the regulator was not working. Itbecame obvious that the regulator was not working. Careful examinationfound R604 open, although it was not burnt. I have see
NO LOW VHF Inspection revealed that VC voltage to tuner would not vary.Voltage at Pin 22, IC005 was always 4VDC, should be 2.1VDC, with nosignal and set tuned in to VHF low. R074 was not soldered on one end.
DELAY IN TURN ON, SHORT IC001/PINS 17 & 18 I noticed that it took 4 seconds for set to come on. Also,when first turned on, response light would not illuminate. Collector ofQ010 always had a DC level on it and a noisy square wave. Pulses werealways present at Pin 18, IC001. Further inspection
INCORRECT TUNING OPERATION, OPEN GROUND D039/R055 When set was turned on, it was locked into address position Aand would not tune out of this position. Any movement of M2 board wouldclear the problem. I then noticed the junction of D039 and R055 which aregrounded at a common point of the PC board, was
DEAD This unit kills this IF IC after 3 days. Replacing IC andinstalling a diode on the Vcc of IC, figuring spike entering the part,with no luck. When IC was bad, no sound and picture just snow. Voltageson AGC pins are all wrong, but when new IC was put in
NO RASTER, REPLACED FLYBACK No raster or lack of width with flashing lines. After setis on for about 10 to 15 minutes the flyback transformer became hot. Part# 1-439-185-00.
TEST SIGNAL INTERFERENCE, R3383 AND R3384 CONNECTION CHANGE I have two KP-5040s with cross-hatch interference on weaksignal stations - cures suggested in FPRs have not helped. If I liftR3383 and R3384 from the 12 volt line and jump them to Pin 2 of connectorBA-9, and thereby remove voltage from the horizontal cr

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