Dicas Reparação Sony

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SonySPP50NO COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BASE AND HANDSET. No communication between base and handset.
SonyXR7077INCORRECT PART NUMBER AND TYPE IN SERVICE MANUAL, Q325 The parts list in the service manual shows Q325 as a2SA1175HFE, p/n 8-729-119-76, which is a different type and package thanthat which is shown on the schematic. The type shown on the schematicis the correct type (2SB1132), which now subs to type 2SB111
SonyXR7080BEEP TONE NOT WORKING Customer sent unit for repair because beep tone stoppedworking. Tried to turn on beep tone by pressing SELECT and 6 keys, butbeep tone would not come back. -HQ COMMENTS: Unit was being bench tested by using line out from unit.This model only has beep t
SonyCCDTR4UNIT STAYS ON WITH SWITCH IN OFF POSITION Unit works fine but when you turn the camera off, the viewfinder stays on also the pause and caution light. Cam is on and stayson. Found that there was a short between pins 5 and 6 on cable FP-330 onVS-70 board.
SonyCCDF36NO REWIND STOP OR RECORD Rewind, Stop and Record buttons did not work. Found data pre-sent on (MI5), pin 42 IC-501, all the time (no buttons pushed). FoundQ-536 leaking (MO 3), pin 23 IC-501, into (MI5) pin 42 IC-501.
SonyXR7087FM APPEARS TO DRIFT FM appears to drift after warm up. Drops out of stereo mode.Distorted audio.
SonyKV27EXR15NO PICTURE/NO DISPLAY, REPLACE CRT No picture and no display. Y/S inputs to IC-301 (pins 3 and 5ok). No RGB outputs. IC-301 pin 7 at 0.2vdc confirming IC-301 has pic-ture muted. G-2 voltage ok. IC-301 pins 19, 21, 23 all at 3.8vdc (shouldbe 4.2 - 7vdc), indicating missing cathode sam
SonyDTC75ESNOISE IN AUDIO Customer complained of noise and glitches in audio. CheckedRF with scope and it was good. TY7252 tracking tape showed good envelope.However, when I changed back to my audio tape one head was missing.
SonyDTC1000ESTROUBLESHOOTING DIGITAL CIRCUITS Intermittent audio distortion. Found that using a LeaderLB05860 waveform monitor hooked up to the digital output quickly demon-strated that one unit had a problem with its digital circuit and one didnot. Viewed the digital output on rear panel with the
SonyDTC75ESTROUBLESHOOTING DIGITAL CIRCUITS Intermittent audio distortion. Found that using a LeaderLB05860 waveform monitor hooked up to the digital output quickly demon-strated that one unit had a problem with it's digital circuit and onedid not. Viewed the digital output on rear panel with th
SonyDTC700TROUBLESHOOTING DIGITAL CIRCUITS There were two DTC-700s in the shop both had intermittentaudio distortion. Found that using a Leader LB05860 waveform monitorhooked up to the digital output quickly demonstrated that one unit had aproblem with its digital circuit and one did not. Viewe
SonyDTC700NO SOUND The unit had no sound. Looked at coaxial digital out withscope. Found it distorted even in Stop mode. Checked IC-307 X-302 andX-303 waveform. Found both crystals producing a distorted waveform.Found X-303 was bad.
SonySLV757UCINTERMITTENT SHUT DOWN Found weak drive voltage from pin 11 of IC-001 on MD-22board causing flat spot on drum motor.
SonyITA600MAIN PCB HAS WRONG MICRO INSTALLED Boards coming from Kansas City have wrong micros installed.The correct IC number is TMP47C47N-9613. The IC in the new boards isTMP47C47N-9635. These ICs are not compatible.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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