Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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VERTICAL PICTURE BOUNCING Vertical picture bouncing (2-3 times/second). Finally, theraster may settle in a certain position.
VERTICAL BOUNCING Picture is unstable in all modes of operation. Also, the80 volt line measures high.
NO PLAYBACK OF PCM RECORDINGS Unit will record PCM audio but will not play it back. LPPCM played back garbled. Video playback was ok.
AUDIO DELAY, NORMAL When the customer changes stations, the sound on his TV ismuted for an instant. Then, sound is heard on an external subwoofer amp-speaker connected to the VARIABLE OUTPUTS on the TV. After a delay, soundis heard coming out of the internal speakers on t
METAL PLATE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE HANDSET FALLS OFF The plate is falling off the bottom of the handset whichsometimes results in the handset not charging. This situation occurswith our other phones as well. Can we use epoxy to reattach the plate? -HQ COMMENTS: Do not use epoxy to reattach the metal pla
AUDIO MUTING, NORMAL USE VARIBLE OUTPUTS INSTEAD Customer complains that muting does not work on an externalsubwoofer amp/speaker when the mute button on the TV is depressed.
PART NUMBER Need part number as soon as possible for the mode switch. -HQ COMMENTS: This is in the CCD-V99 service manual on page 179. Thepart number is 1-571-664-11.
PART NUMBER Need part number as soon as possible for the mode switch. -HQ COMMENTS: This is in the CCD-V99 service manual on page 179. Thepart number is 1-571-664-11.
WRONG PART NUMBER LISTED FOR WOOFER Part number 1-503-923-11 listed on service manual of speakerSSU-800AV for woofer (reference number 7) is not correct.
NEW FF CAM GEAR DID NOT FIT I tried to replace the FF cam gear, but the part that I got did not fit. -HQ COMMENTS: It appears that you received by mistake the REW CAM GEAR,part No 3-313-796-00. Please reorder.
OPEN FILAMENT ON CRT, ARCING BETWEEN GROUND FINGERS & CRT Servicer went to customer home and found green CRT had anopen filament, also Q606 was open. Replaced CRT and Q606 - set turned on,a minute later the filament opened and servicer saw arc but was not surewhere arc came from. Looked like it was from R726
WILL NOT CLOSE DOOR OR LOAD TAPE Unit will not close door: Use mode selector and manuallyclose door. When applying power, mechanism ejects ok but will notset back to load/unload state. Checked cassette lock switch and circuitlooked ok. Found dirty mode switch.
BLACK PLASTIC COVER ON OPTICAL BLOCK MELTED Black plastic cover on optical block melted. The pickup andthe drive IC to it were replaced, but after a month the problem reoccured. -HQ COMMENTS: I checked the optical pickup that you sent me. It wouldappear that the solder connections of the trackin
EATS TAPES Unit eats tapes. The press-fit pins that hold the cassetteholder block assembly to the LS chassis had come out.
WASHED OUT PICTURE Iris Mechanism binding slightly.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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