Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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THERMAL PROTECTION OF BATTERIES As per Tokyo, the thermal breaker inside the battery activatesbetween 70 degrees C and 80 degrees C. The breaker will then recoverafter the temperature falls below this point.
THERMAL PROTECTION OF BATTERIES As per Tokyo, the thermal breaker inside the battery activatesbetween 70 degrees C and 80 degrees C. The breaker will then recoverafter the temperature falls below this point.
THERMAL PROTECTION OF BATTERIES As per Tokyo, the thermal breaker inside the battery activatesbetween 70 degrees C and 80 degrees C. The breaker will then recoverafter the temperature falls below this point.
INCOMPATIBILITY OF USING AC-220 TO CHARGE NP-1H Customer tried charging NP-1H with AC-220. Unit will not gointo charge mode. -HQ COMMENTS: AC-220 will only charge NP-1 battery not NP-1H. Customermust use ACP-1H charger with BCA-1H adaptor to charge NP-1H.
AC-220 CAN'T CHARGE NP-1H: NEED BC1WB CHRGR Customer tried charging NP-1H with AC-220. Unit will not gointo charge mode. -HQ COMMENTS: AC-220 will only charge NP-1 battery not NP-1H. Customermust use BC1WB charger to charge NP-1H.
ZOOM BUTTON PART NUMBER ERROR Zoom button identified as reference No. 66 on page 151 of theservice manual, part number 3-724-526-01. Servicer ordered twice andreceived wrong parts. Either wrong part number in the manual or wrongpart in bin in Kansas City. -HQ COMMENTS: The problem
HOW HIGH CAN THEY BE STACKED Need to know how many units can be stacked on top of oneanother. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo recommends that only three units be stacked on topof one another.
RESISTOR VALUE FOR R-620 Service manual states R-620 is 15K Ohm but unit has 4.7K Ohmresistor in circuit. Has there been a change? HQ COMMENTS: Original value for R-620 was 15K Ohms. Due to circuitchange the resistor value has been changed to 4.7K Ohms. We are notsure when
NO TONE DIALING Received two dealer stock units with identical problems. Thephone would only pulse dial even in the tone setting. When ringerselect was set to (3), the STOP, PLAY, REDIAL and SPEAKERPHONE buttons didnot operate. Also applies to serial number 102368.
NO SOUND, REPLACED SRS PACK No sound. Inspection revealed audio going into this module -but no sound coming out. Service manual has no reference to this modulein the parts list except under miscellaneous parts. -HQ COMMENTS: Please replace the SRS Pack with the improved one as pe
DESIGN CHANGE Unit has a different PCB layout. Cannot find IC-304, IC-302and IC-305 are indifferent positions than indicated in service manual.The problem is that there is no display or function when hooked up with aCDX-A30. Found no reset voltage to pin No. 7 of IC
NO GROUND CONNECTIONS Unit came in with various problems including static, lockeddisplay, no tuner and intermittent shut-down. Found ground connection todisplay board was not connected to all of main board grounds and cabinet.Other symptoms can be erratic or no display, no p
DISTORTED AUDIO Distorted audio, both channels. Eye pattern ok. DA converterdoes not seem to operate properly. Converter changed, no help. Detectedexcessive noise on motor case. When case to motor is grounded, distortionand noise disappear. Motor is Matsushta KFN2
PART NUMBER FOR CONNECTING CORD What is the part number for the stereo female mini to stereoRCA adaptor cord listed as a supplied accessory in the instruction manual? -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 1-566-494-11. The description shouldread adaptor cord.
LIGHT HORIZONTAL LINES AT TOP OF SCREEN, NO FOLDOVER Horizontal lines appeared at top several inches of screen.There was no picture distortion or foldover. C-529 checked good onZ-meter, but replacement removed problem. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for your information.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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