Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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SWITCHES FROM AM TO FM/AM OR FM CUTS OUT INTERMITTENTLY CMC distributing has several units with FM cutting out andswitching to AM. It was found that the main circuit board mounting screwswere loose. The one mounting screw that is located at the left front whenthe unit is upsidedown is the one that is causin
REFERENCE NUMBER IS INCORRECTLY LISTED The description for reference No. 902 is a mounted RF PCB.This is incorrect since it is a flexible connector. -HQ COMMENTS: Reference No. 902 should read as 920 which is the motorflexible PCB, part number is 1-621-406-11.
MIS-TRACKING DURING SP RECORDING Playback on SP and EP is ok. Recording on SP looks like mis-tracking. On scope, I can see 1 channel is missing. Cleaning does nothelp.
UNIT DOES NOT RECORD IN REV DIRECTION Unit is different than print. It does not have a reverserecord proof button. -HQ COMMENTS: This is an E model unit, not the US model. It only hasrecord in one direction.
PART NUMBER FOR BATTERY AND RIBBON CARTRIDGE The part number for the battery and ribbon cartridge is notlisted in the service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: The battery is BP-88 and the ribbon cartridge is HCA8.They are not in the system right now because no one has ordered them yet.Please order they will
HAM RADIO INTERFERENCE, TROUBLESHOOTING Ham radio using 28-21-14-7-3 Mhz. When transmitting 100 wattsno problem, increasing between 400-1500 watts causes the audio to distortfrom his KV20TS20. The older KV-1712D is not affected. Installed 2 ferr-ite rods 7 inches long each on AC line & 2 Hi
PART NUMBER FOR FLAT CONNECTOR Cannot find service manual and therefore part number for theflat connector. -HQ COMMENTS: This system is an (E) model. It consists of an ST-707Rtuner, TC-R707 cassette deck, TA-707 amplifier and APM606 speaker. Thissystem is identical to an MHC-2000 U
WILL NOT LOAD Unit will not load. This is the third unit with this problem.
TAPE DOES NOT EJECT Tape does not eject - timing belt breaking apart, worn teethon the belt.
RECORDING MOTOR NOISE Recording motor noise in audio even on wind cut position.
TAPE JAM/NO EJECT Tape jam - no eject.
TAPE JAMMED NO FUNCTIONS Tape jam no functions.
TO VIEW THE FRAME-BY-FRAME PLAYBACK PICTURE Frame-by-frame playback not functioning. In operationalmanual and service manual instructions to view the frame-by-frame record-ing is incorrect.
REPLACEMENT FRAME ASSEMBLY FOR CDP-C50 Support post for gear (Loading C) is not part of replacementframe assembly. The frame requires replacement when the post holding partNo. 61 set lever breaks. Rather than undergoing the monumental task ofreplacing this entire assembly, only to have to m
NO POWER/NO DISPLAY Unit had no power and no display.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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