Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18944
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PIVOT BREAKAGE Left side pivot supporting optical assembly are breaking dur-ing shipment of units if subject to rough handling and transit key not inplace. The pivot is an integral part of the main frame.
SET DEAD OR INTERMITTENTLY SO Set is dead or intermittently so. Plus lead of C-549 comesloose from its soldered position on the board. This is caused by pressurefrom the Bc connector board edge which is against the capacitor. So muchpressure and friction exists that the plastic sl
EXCESSIVE DROPOUTS Unit is experiencing excessive dropouts.
DEAD UNIT, REPLACE IC-101, Q-121 & D-605 Set is dead would not turn on. Replacing IC-101 on (A) boardrestored operation. Now no volume control. Q-121 E.B. junction open.Q-121 is volume control transistor on (A) board. VCC up to about 8 volts.
DIODE D-17 SHORTS, CHANGE L8 TO P/N 1-408-300-00 After replacing (D-17), GU3 diode shorts out immediately.
ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE FOR CAMERA SECTION When trying to perform alignment procedure on camera sectioniris - white balance etc., RM-94 readout was confusing according to themanual. Data and address locations did not make sense.
VERTI8CAL FOLD OVER AND RETRACE LINES, LEAKY C-534 Unit displayed about two inches of foldover with retracelines.
INTERMITTENTLY WILL NOT FIND CHANNEL Unit will not lock on channel intermittently and at othertimes is slow. Is it possible to modify, so it stays on one (1) channel? -HQ COMMENTS: If the unit does not lock on a channel, it is due to ex-ternal interference (RF) being present. Due to soft
WRONG PART NUMBER FOR ESIF DIODE Part number for (D-513) ESIF is wrong.
WRONG PART NUMBER FOR ESIF DIODE, 8-719-300-65 Part number for (D-513) ESIF is wrong.
NO DISK SPIN Intermittent or constant no disk spin by clv motor. ReferenceNo. 21 is bowed up at its narrowest point between the CLV motor and theFOP. Check the motor for (dead spots) as it may have been damaged due tostalling.
CANNOT ADJUST FOCUS RING Cannot adjust focus ring. Many units have been found withvery tight focus ring (sample enclosed).
NO CHANNEL MEMORY Intermittent loss of channel memory (-27.8V supply was low).
PART NUMBER CORRECTION - IC-604/MF-42 BOARD The part number for IC-604 on the (MF-42) board (8-759-941-78)as shown in the service manual is incorrect.
PART NUMBER CORRECTION - IC-604/MF-42 BOARD The part number for IC-604 on the (MF-42) board (8-759-941-78)as shown in the service manual is incorrect.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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