Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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UNIT DOES NOT ACCEPT THE CASSETTE As the cassette is placed into the cassette compartment, theloading ring assembly goes into the loaded/threaded position. The cass-ette compartment jams and does not accept the cassette.
VERTICAL BLANKING AREA This unit is one of four which have the same problem. When wereplaced the original LCD, all the replacements have an area near thebottom of the screen resembling insufficient sweep and displays a verticalblanking area. This symptom was not on original
METER LAMPS CONTINUE TO GO BAD One row of lamps was out because there was a bad lamp. Re-placed bad lamp and about 30 minutes later the other row went out becausea lamp went out in that row. Replaced that lamp and then the other rowwent out. Help - have three units with this proble
THE ENTER/REMAIN OR PLAY FUNCTION WORKS INTERMITTENTLY ENTER/REMAIN button or PLAY button does not reach their res-pective switch when it is pushed. The ENTER/REMAIN or PLAY function doesnot work or intermittently. I have many units which have this problem.
LOOSE TOP HALF ON PANHEAD ASSEMBLY Top half of panhead assembly was loose.
SET WOULD NOT TURN ON ALWAYS - SOMETIMES OK FOR 2-3 WEEKS Set would turn on intermittently. Found SV line wouldsometimes be 3.5 to 4.5V (would vary).
INTERMITTENT Y SIGNAL IN PAUSE AND BETASCAN Intermittently the luminance signal would disappear. The10.7Mhz at pin 3 of IC-14 would come and go intermittently.
INTERMITTENT CRACKING NOISE IN AUDIO Unit would produce a cracking noise in the linear audio, thishappened on RECORD only. Looking at RF envelope you could see a gap be-tween (A) and (B) head. First thought it was tape path but this did notmake sense since playback was ok. Traced problem
NO POWER, REPLACE HDT Set would not come on. Traced Hor. OSC to base of drivetransistor, found no B+ on transistor collector. Primary side of drivetrnasformer opened.
PART NUMBER FOR IB-1 AND IB-3 ON (CC-16) BOARD P60 of manual shows two component packs, IB-1 and IB-3. Weneed the part numbers for them. if not available, please explain the un-usual symbols shown connected to pins 5 and 6 of Ib-1. Thanks. -HQ COMMENTS: The symbols at pins 5 and 6 of IB-1 are as
D3 WITH NO AUDIO No audio, no data out of pin No. 78 of IC-601, muting at pin19 of IC-601 is high (4.7V) should be low (0V). 9V was on base of Q-807should have been 0V. Therefore, muting audio, Q-807 shorted base, emitterjunction.
FLASHING DISPLAY Flashing display.
SLED MOTOR OFFSET PROCEDURE Sled motor offset procedure: Reversal of steps 5 and 6 makeadjustment much easier. To do as instructed has pulsating voltage and isvery difficult. -HQ COMMENTS: Have not been able to confirm your problem. The procedurefor this player is the same as a
WRONG PART NUMBER Part number for IC-601, page TA28 in FH150R service manual forthe amp TA-177R is incorrect. The number given is 8-759-941-52. Thecorrect number is 8-749-941-52. -HQ COMMENTS: You are correct. A service bulletin has been written.
COMPONENTS ON (SS-70) BOARD DO NOT MATCH SCHEMATIC There is a descrete component diode between R-328 and C-321 onthe (SS-70) board. The board revision numbered is A-16. Does the diodebelong there? -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo said the -14 boards had descrete diode but the -16boards should not have one.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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