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Modelo - Chassis

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verticalPix flashes upside down then back to normal. This take defective Jungle ic301?. Muller
vertical KV32XBR36 Unit has a slow compressing and decompressing of the vertical sweep. Q605 was not soldered well Muller
vertical LINE Customer claims the set develops a symptom of a black vertical line in the center of the screen. It is spreads rapidly across the screen until there is no raster. Afterwards there is still sound but no On screen Display or Raster. Customer claims the LED in front does not flash. Taking a conservative approach to this repair the tech needs to enter the tech menu and reset the VSS parameter from 0 to 1 and the CDMD from 0 to 3. This will cause intermittent loss of raster. There are no error codes listed in the Tech menu. Tech will need to check back in two days an see if the symptom shows up again. Muller
vertical KV27TS20 Unit has highly intermittent vertical foldover mostly at the top of the screen Unit had small ring fractures around the vertical deflection yoke connector pins on the chassis. Resoldering the connections corrected the symptom Muller
vertical SWEEP KV36XBR200 serial 9015396. Unit has insufficient vertical sweep. Also has top vertical foldover. Tech can get into the menu and effectively move the vertical height and centering but it will not illuminate the foldover condition Tech needs to replace IC561, D561, & C565 Muller
SonyKV36XBR20 0
vertical Unit has insufficient vertical sweep. Also has top vertical foldover. Tech can get into the menu and effectively move the vertical height and centering but it will not eliminate the foldover condition. Tech needs to replace IC561, D561, & C565. Unit had defective Pump up capacitor. C565 Muller
vertical SWEEP KV36FV1 Unit has insufficient vertical sweep and vertical foldover at the bottom of the screen. Suggest the tech try to replace the Charge pump diode and pump up capacitor D561 & C565. This did not correct the symptom. But it was found while moving the wires around the yoke connector the symptom changed slightly. But when tugging on the wiring going into the deflection yoke the tech found a significant change in the vertical deflection scan. There isn't a schematic for the yoke assembly but a small connector inside the yoke housing where the 3 controls were mounted. The connector is called P16.It was not soldered very well. It had thin solder across the land to the pin but what looks like pin oxidation it from making a good electrical connection. Resoldering the connection returned the set to Muller
vertical sweep KV35V35. Unit has not vertical sweep and no sound. No vertical drive from Jungle chip. Data and clock normal. Jungle chip has been replace several times with no effect. EPROM was changed too with no effect. But the CPU IC001 repaired problem. Muller
vertical lines KV32S45. Serial # 8047063. Unit has a thin vertical lines in picture that are spaced 1 inch apart on the left side of the screen. It can be scene on all inputs. Best seen on scenes around 10 ~ 20 IRE. The description sounds like jail bars caused by a ringing in the B+ to the Flyback transformer. It is suggested to install a capacitor with a value of 33 mfd at 250 vdc in place on top of chassis in positive side to FB503 and negative side to ground. This simply increases the capacitance on the 130 volt line to the horizontal output section, and reduce ripple caused by the hard demand of current when the flyback is switched on. Part # 1-107-654-11. This minimized the effect Muller
vertical KV32XBR48 this is a AA2C chassis. The television has no vertical sweep, and no sound. Tech replaced the vertical output IC without correcting the symptom Tech is trying to cure the vertical sweep defect but the not the sound. These are related to each other. This set will not develop vertical sweep unless there is data communications between the microprocessor and Jungle IC. Tech needs to monitor the SDA & SCL lines that are marked on this chassis. If there is a short on either line the set will loose vertical sweep. Clue is you need the SCL & SDA lines to control audio, if a short is on these lines or data is corrupt the set will have no audio too. There was no Data or clock on the UX board. Checking the presence of 9 volts we found it to be only 7 volts. Monitoring the protect diode D261 zener diode on the SDA line. Unit had a defective D261 on the UX Muller
TV Não apresentava som e com o vertical fechado, não acessava o menu.Trocado a Epron 24C16WPTrocado a Epron 24C16WPLeonardo
vertical fecha como se fosse mau contato, porem apenas com o gabinete fechado.Depois de uma checagem geral da PCI, notei que estava tudo em ordem, verifiquei então as guias de placa, aqueles encaixes internos da placa e apresentavam uma oxidação verde, que com a temperatura condusiam, gerando o mau contato! MARESIA NO PLASTICO MALUCO!!!!Claudio Dias
vertical fechado/sem somIC 502 LA 7685 com irregularidadesFeito a substituição do CI 502 LA 7685; o TV ficou Ok.clayton
Ao Ligar em se desliga, ao aumentar screem nota-se vertical fechado. Ver se falta a linha de 5V do micro + 5 IFBVer C108Master Eletronica
feichando vertical parte superior com linhas de RGBcapacitor 2460 de 680/250v poliestertrocar este componenteCarlosss

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