Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 3456
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Sony KVFX29 FX
White horizontal line no vertical deflectionCheck / replace R548, R549
Magnavox RP2781 C101 27X105-00AA
No vertical deflectionIf resistor R445 1ohm has gone open circuit this may cause IC550 LA783x to also fail. Replaced both IC550 and R445
Nokia FX
Left part of picture missing after fitting vertical modification kitMake sure you have fitted the extra capacitor between pins 8 and 9, instead of 10 and 9. Fitting incorrectly will destroy the sandcastle pulse and make the picture appear strange
Philips 20PV164-05
vertical frame collapseChange vertical output drive IC and nearby electrolytic capacitor
Sony KV-A2923
Set starts, horizontal and vertical deflection work, HT ok, crt heaters ok, but no sound or pictureI turned the G2 voltage up and noticed a white screen with flyback lines, frame ok. I detected two badly soldered double diode rectifiers in the secondary part of the power supply ! I checked all other joints, and everything was ok !! success
Sharp DV7045SN
No vertical deflectionR615 open 0.13 ohm 1/2W. Also resoldered many bad solder joints
Tandberg / Seleco / Sinudyne 3TS645 PC170
No vertical scan, just one bright line in the middleSuspect R235 18kohm, in some cases the TDA3654 may also have failed
Sony KV-M1400 BE2A
Insuficient vertical deflection. Line rolling on top of pictureReplace ceramic capacitor C524
Sony KV1412
vertical line at the left of the pictureReplace L506 on A board, replacement part number 1-407-366-00
Bush WS6671 11AK19
Very low width and bowed verticals,no ew correction. R626 o/cC630 390nF, 300v faulty, located next to scan socket. This fault can also be caused by R629 2R7 fusable o/c. In my set C630 was dry-jointed but not faulty. Check generally for dry joints in the E/W and PSU areas. Note that R629 is a safety component
Toshiba 28W23B 11AK37
Picture displaced vertically, picture too high or lowThis problem was cured by entering the service mode menu then 4,7,2,5, then pressing the green fastext button to access geometry settings, selecting VP1 vertical position and adjusting as necessary
Sony KV-M2131U BE1
Intermittent loss of syncronisation, both horizontal and verticalThe surface mounted power transistor on the teletext module requires resoldering. As there is evidence of scorching on the board the use of a more substantial component would be indicated perhaps with small heatsink
vertical FechadoVerificar C461 C463
vertical dobrando em baixoQ430

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