Dicas Reparação

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 3456
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SanyoCBP2146 E2-E21
Corrugated verticals.Check EHT lead connections.
Thin dark vertical line on the left side of the pictureR433 DJ, located next to the SCART socket
SabaCM Series
Loss of vertical and horizontal synchronisationChange TDA2560 in PAL/SECAM module.
Saba42SC42 ICC4
Picture shifted down. Can not be adjusted properly with the vertical shift pot.Resistor RF34 open circuit.
vertical coloured bands running across screen, no bands on full colour or on zero colourreplace C110 1uF 100V pin 26 of chroma IC
Curtain effect just after a white vertical line (ringing phenomenon)To reduce the ringing phenomenon change the following positions on the Small Signal Panel: Position 4508 into 1k (4822 051 10102) Position 3537 into 1k (5322 117 12487) Position 3538 into 1k (5322 117 12487) Position 3565 into 1k (4822 051 10102) Po
vertical stripes in pictureOn the right side a 2.5 cm width dark band and on the left side a vertical stripe can be seen. Check if the wires S11-L11 and S10-L10 do not touch C2368 on the SSP. If they touch C2368 bend them away from C2368.
Two vertical grey bars in pictureBent flatcables S10/L10 and S15/L15 away from TDA9143 (pos. 7352 on the SSP)
vertical stripes in pictureOn the right side a 2.5 cm width dark band and on the left side a vertical stripe can be seen. Check if the wires S11-L11 and S10-L10 do not touch C2368 on the SSP. If they touch C2368 bend them away from C2368.
vertical shift and amplitude not stable (jumps).Check pins of connector J13 on the DDP. Look for badly soldered (oxidated) pins. Resolder pins if required. REMARKS : Improved connectors introduced in production from week 9742 onwards.
Two vertical grey bars in pictureBent flatcables S10/L10 and S15/L15 away from TDA9143 (pos. 7352 on the SSP)
Curtain effect just after a white vertical line (ringing phenomenon)To reduce the ringing phenomenon change the following positions on the Small Signal Panel: Position 4508 into 1k (4822 051 10102) Position 3537 into 1k (5322 117 12487) Position 3538 into 1k (5322 117 12487) Position 3565 into 1k (4822 051 10102) Po
vertical stripes in pictureOn the right side a 2.5 cm width dark band and on the left side a vertical stripe can be seen. Check if the wires S11-L11 and S10-L10 do not touch C2368 on the SSP. If they touch C2368 bend them away from C2368.
vertical shift and amplitude not stable (jumps).Check pins of connector J13 on the DDP. Look for badly soldered (oxidated) pins. Resolder pins if required. REMARKS : Improved connectors introduced in production from week 9742 onwards.
Two vertical grey bars in pictureBent flatcables S10/L10 and S15/L15 away from TDA9143 (pos. 7352 on the SSP)

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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